National Identity
During our recent trip to New Zealand, we were surprised to find their strong affiliation with ... ferns. Everyone connects NZ with the kiwi and indeed the people are refered to as Kiwis. But fern leaves show up on tee shirts, coffee mugs, flags, and on the jerseys of the famous All Blacks rugby team. It's no wonder, however, as there are nearly 200 species growing there. Ranging from tiny ones that look more like moss, to giant tree ferns that form part of the canopy in the rain forest, they're everywhere. The trunks of tree ferns are even used by farmers to build fencing and more recently artisans craft the fiber into quite attractive vases and curios.
National Identity

Life Unfolds

Tree Fern

Rain Forest Canopy
National Identity

Life Unfolds

Tree Fern

Rain Forest Canopy
