#15 Whenever I go to the Zoo ...
The Rhinos (brothers) fight.
Title: Sibling Rivalry




Or just wait til Christmas-Eve when the misery-in-law shows up? :rofl
Title: Sibling Rivalry




Or just wait til Christmas-Eve when the misery-in-law shows up? :rofl
Oh well ...
And there was a wonderful interaction between a mother gorilla and her daughter, but it was behind plexiglass and fencing, so the results are even worse than the rhino shots.
what zoo are you shooting at?
Plexiglass isn't always a bad thing.
(these are from the Sedgwick County Zoo, in Wichita Kansas)
and sometimes you can even work with fencing too
but doesn't your zoo have places where you have a clear view of the animals when they are outdoors?
Can I make my break now?
There are only a few places in that zoo where I can't get good shots -- they just happened to be the few places where the animals were interacting in a manner consistent with the theme for this contest.
Wire cages:
The great outdoors:
But indoors shots + plexiglass + wire cages + direct sunlight + mixed flourescent lighting + midmorning glare = sad photographer. :cry