Overall very nice and convenient for me in regards to geotagging and the like, kudos to the developers! However, I need to point out some bugs. There might be a 50/50 chance that a picture would upload based on my smugshot gallery and the camera roll on the iphone.
- Freezes whilst taking a photo, or going to keyword/caption page. Requires phone restart.
- Queue doesn't upload on all networks (3G, EDGE and WiFi). Requires restart of app, which sometimes leads to a loss of 2nd photo in queue. Seems apparent with long (3+) queues.
- Sometimes when one photo is done uploading, the next photo in the queue vanishes.
- Further effects from 2+3, cannot reupload because photo has not been saved into phone memory.
- Looking at photos in the queue: photos are upside down or won't even load.
I'm sorry for your SmugShot troubles. Please check that you have set the app to always save photos to your photo roll ("Save on Phone"). You can set this in the Settings > SmugShot (outside of the app in the phone settings).
What version of the iPhone do you have? Is it jailbroken (allows you to use apps not from the app store) or not?
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