Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
I'd appreciate feedback on this image. Thanks.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
When I first looked at this image I couldn't see anything, but since you were somehow drawn to it I continued to look, and this is what I saw. (I hope you don't mind)
Link to my Smugmug site
I would totally agree both cropped images are really much better.
Since the group has decided to declare open season on your shot. Here is my interpretation of your capture. I felt it was way over exposed on the cherry (I think it was a cherry tree) tree on the left.
It is a great shot but way too loud for the theme.
When did it become so commonplace to take such liberties on others' images?
If I was inclined to authorize altering my image I would have stated so in the OP.
some valuable comments have been made in this thread. I appreciate the feedback and would have enjoyed a dialogue on the issues but at the moment I'm too steamin' mad to have that dialogue.
I'm of the belief you should ask permission BEFORE daring to alter someone's image.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Well Angelo, it's like this. Once the ball starts rolling down hill (Nice idea, but) it's just kind of hard to stop. One NEVER knows what will happen on this site. Usually almost everything is "Well, that's a great shot", "Man, I wish I could take pictures like that!". And those are about ANY shot good OR bad. BUT, then the balll gets started.
One could suggest placing more water in the steram or fish jumping through hoops. How about a tiny fisherman landing a carp with a little bitty cast net?:flush
But, I'd prefer say that the profussion of textures and colors in what appeared to be an oriental garden are drawn dogether nicely by the symetry of the arched bridge. Your exposure of the larger contrast range represented buy the dark water and the bright cherry tree were handled qite nicely. Acutally a really nice image, Angelo. Congrats
Oh, Yes! As you say, "cameras don't shoot people........."Merry Christmas. "He" would be happy with it too.
Angelo, very good shot. It has many merits and I personally like it as is...a most interesting perspective of a unique bridge.
Casual, friendly critique of one's shot is what I feel this forum is about. And I agree that altering one's shot is not acceptable unless specifically requested by owner during the course of discussion.
Merry Christmas to all.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Of the suggestions offered, I think Al is right. It's a little OE around the cherry but not as much correction as Al has shown. The blue is a bit distracting but you cold clone that out or just knock it down a bit. I'd also like to see more of the water too.
The main issue I have is that it's a little confusing. There's a lot going on with the leaves, flowers. the bridge, water, and the beautiful peek of blue at the top. I want to be there to look around the corner, but I'm a little intimidated by where to walk first.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Steph nailed it. It needs simplification. Although it is very rich, I would eliminate the blue by cropping from the top and left.
I had my little rant back there at post #9 so you all now know my position on editing others' images.
Regardless of the methods used, I appreciate the time each has taken to help me with this.
Here are some of my thoughts on the image and the edits (most of which I had already tried):
The image posted by me is certainly not the original. I made adjustments and a little cropping until I was fairly happy but was uncertain so I came here to seek more advice.
What I like about the image:
1) the subtle, graceful arch of the bridge with a vibrant red that suggests "see me" among the foliage
2) the comforting leading line of the pond wall drawing you into the center of the picture
3) the organic feeling created by the gentle ripples in the water and the few leaves and petals floating on top; the branches seemingly reaching into the water
4) a sense of asymmetrical balance created in an otherwise very symmetrical setting thanks to the varying color of leaves and branches.
5) the hint of blue in the upper background. I think it gives a sense of depth - a mystery to what's behind
Now my own contrary views:
1) is the bridge too centered? but does that give a human scale? does one always have to avoid "centered" subjects?
2) maybe the water is a bit too dark / murky?
3) I think I'm still OK with this
4) is the cherry blossom tree too bright? maybe but none of it is "blown". does the more natural color and exposure on the left side of the tree offer balance?
5) this I struggled with - when I cropped it out I felt the image went totally flat. don't know about this one.
Thanks again and I still welcome any additional comments and suggestions. There are probably easy fixes to some of the issues but I unfortunately am not much of an expert in PS, especially if talking about masks and filters.
Oh and if you want to call me a bonehead for ranting about editing that's OK too. I think this issue deserves a healthy debate.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Somehow I got the feeling that is why photos on Dgrin have no copying security at all.........
I have always felt that if a photo is posted within the realms of Dgrin it was here to be critiqued in one manner {written} or another {visual+ written} as long as that critique was benevolent to the photo owner/op......
as for the pic...ovr all it is a nice snap......however YOU could have done a lot beter by not including the blue in the upper portion, clonning outthe blue in the left portion, and adding much more stream leading upto the bridge and all the loud flowers....loud as in extremely busy....dang near hurt my eyes to look at it......just my 'umble opin'on