Favorite shot of '08

I shot this image for the weathered or polished DSS Challenge earlier in the year. Unfortumately, due to a series of events that I never quite figured out it became watermarked and was disqualified from the final voting....though it did make the finalists list. Nevertheless, it's an image that I am very proud of.
It is perhaps my best "non-portrait" that I have ever captured, and so I am sharing it once again.
Happy Holidays Dgrinners!!!
It is perhaps my best "non-portrait" that I have ever captured, and so I am sharing it once again.
Happy Holidays Dgrinners!!!

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Jeff Meyers
Thanks CK...and welcome to the Grin.
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Thanks Jeff.
I think I'll keep it still!:D
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
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and you better enter the photo of the year...
And happy ho ho to you!
A winner in my eyes.
Canon 50D, 30D, various lenses
'08 BMW R12RT "Hammerhead"
'08 KLR 685 "Rover"
'03 Golden Retriever "Farley"
I am pretty sure that the spirit of the POY contest is for one member to nominate a photograph from a fellow member. At least that is the way I understand them. I have already chosen a photograph to nominate......shot by a fellow Dgrinner...if I can locate the original post!
Tell me if I have gotten it wrong?
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I had originally posted three shots....in a poll in the challenges threads...asking for votes to decide which one to run.....in the midst of that poll...the way our polls work was changed, and I was no longer able to view the results and so I removed the shots to keep folks from wasting time voting in a poll I would never be able to see the results of...
Here are it's sisters...
"American Pie"
"Diamond In The Rough"
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
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Thank you very much.
...and welcome to Dgrin!:D
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
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I did as well, but...
The first exhibited a bit more on the degree of difficulty. Technically, it required more thought before and after the shot.
Lucky that back window was busted out!:D
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather
Sorry to hear you were disqualified Jeff, I can see why it's a favourite.
Rust is just sooooo photogenic, you did a great job with this one.
It's like time stands still with these old cars left to the elements to take it's toll ....... beautiful shot
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture