Upgrading computer

Yesterday I received a large box containing a XFX 8200 MOBO, a 700watt PS, Amd 64 dual core cpu, HUUUGe cpu fan and 4gb ram........
the manual to the mobo doesn't say which ram slots to place only 2 sticks of ram in.......can't hurt if wrong just won't recognize it....Correct?? My instincts say slot 1 & 2 .....
gonna try and stuff all this into my HP vectra 400 case.....but the PS has such large (due to insulation) and so many wires I begining to wonder where it will all fit.......
hoping I can migrate from an IDE drive to my new SATA drive.....as there is only one IDE header on this board and that is needed for the burners I have in the case........
I know compared to the HP Vectra 400 this new hardware should really scream..............
gotta go get my courage worked up to start the remove and replace of hardware.....and to find a staic free work space to put in the cpu.......
the manual to the mobo doesn't say which ram slots to place only 2 sticks of ram in.......can't hurt if wrong just won't recognize it....Correct?? My instincts say slot 1 & 2 .....
gonna try and stuff all this into my HP vectra 400 case.....but the PS has such large (due to insulation) and so many wires I begining to wonder where it will all fit.......
hoping I can migrate from an IDE drive to my new SATA drive.....as there is only one IDE header on this board and that is needed for the burners I have in the case........
I know compared to the HP Vectra 400 this new hardware should really scream..............
gotta go get my courage worked up to start the remove and replace of hardware.....and to find a staic free work space to put in the cpu.......
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What helps a lot is to install the CPU on the M/B before you mount the M/B into the case - it's easier to do it this way anyway. I mount the CPU, the CPU fan, and memory before I install the M/B into the case. Only once has this proven to be a mistake and I had to remove the memory before I could install the board.
Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you.
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Oh no this is not good.....I have no disk....I was just going to migrate all software to the new SATA drive and run with it...........just like I did going from a 80gb hdd to 320hdd and then formatting the older drives for back ups....
I already had figured on upping the humidity and as for cooling ...welll..... I do not use a furnace....haven't in over 13yrs.....home stays a nice cool brisk but never under 36*F in coldest winter......but figured if I need to just wire up to my telephone ground outside window and that should be good enuff or kitchen water faucet....water making the best ground........
Well I will see how it goes...worse case I will have to order an XP disk or a Vista Ultim......but did not want to do that untill I was ready to go 64Bit......dang.................
Thanx Scott for confirming what I thought on all of this......
My opinion - skip Vista. Microsoft is pushing it hard in TV ads and the like and for a reason. It's not selling.
If you decide you do need to buy another copy of XP, I've had very good luck with VioSoftare. You can get WinXP for $139.
My Photos
Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
Equipment List - Check my profile
Thanx Scott.......I now understand what you mean.....and thanx for the link to Viosoftware.