Monitor cable cost?
I bought a 19" LCD TV (the $178 Sansui that Wal-Mart had as part of their "Black Friday" specials) primarily to use in the bedroom where I have a 13" analog with VCR that is from 1995 and the VCR went out sometime ago. So, I don't know how long the TV part will go. The point of this is that after I bought it I noticed that it has a PC monitor (Mini-Dsub 15pin x 1) & PC audio jack! Have gotten to wondering what I should expect to pay for a cable to try this. Do you have any idea what they go for now? I have been satisfied with the built in 15" one on my laptop so wouldn't want to go tooooo much just for fun.
And that's the site where you should buy all your cables (great prices).
You don't want to do this. It'll look terrible. TV resolution is much, much lower than computer. Think about it - full HD is 1920x1080. That's on a large HDTV. Your little TV has ???x480 lines of resolution. What's the resolution on your laptop screen? Probably at least 1024x768.
Thank you
I just knew there had to be such a place but I have not bought any cables in so long that I had no idea where to find the best deal in terms of price/quality combination.
The new 19" set seems to be an in-between resolution. The booklet with it lists "Number of Pixels: 1440 (H) X 900 (V). Because of the way desk etc. is arranged am not likely to use much; just curious about what it might be able to do. Thus, not wanting to put much into cable to begin with.
Thanks again