Erratic behavior uploading captions and keywords
Few things are more frustrating to me than inconsistant behavior. As much as I'd still like to think SmugMug is the best photosharing site out there, what I'll call "instability" is a source of irritation that never seems to completely go away.
This time it's with uploading captions and keywords. I uploaded 112 photos in one gallery this evening. I used Photoshop Elements 4.0 to caption and keyword most of the photos prior to uploading. I used "Send to SmugMug" to upload 112 photos in a single session.
None of the keywords imported (there still there in Photoshop when I go back to check them, but they are not in my Smugmug gallery.)
Only about 50% of the captions I entered in PE 4.0 imported with the photos. No obvious rhyme or reason why some imported and others did not:
e.g. [The snow was "at maximum accumulation" (14")] DID IMPORT
e.g. [Brice and family as they arrived Xmas Eve.] Did NOT IMPORT
So, now I'll spend another chunk of time, this time in SmugMugs Bulk Editor doing it all over again. ARGH!!!
My SmugMug "wishlist" priorities are shifting focus as a result. Continually adding new features (the "realease often" business model) only makes sense if what's already implemented works "as intended" day-in, day-out, without fail.
So as much as I'd really like to see virtual galleries, site-wide edit capability for keywords, and an efficient copy and/or move multiple photos functionality, I've come to the realization that consistant, stable behavior (captions that import every time, not just part of the time, keywords that import every time, not just part of the time, arrange photos efforts that "stick" after one attempt instead of after 3 or 4 attempts, etc) should, in my view, take priority over developing new features.
This time it's with uploading captions and keywords. I uploaded 112 photos in one gallery this evening. I used Photoshop Elements 4.0 to caption and keyword most of the photos prior to uploading. I used "Send to SmugMug" to upload 112 photos in a single session.
None of the keywords imported (there still there in Photoshop when I go back to check them, but they are not in my Smugmug gallery.)
Only about 50% of the captions I entered in PE 4.0 imported with the photos. No obvious rhyme or reason why some imported and others did not:
e.g. [The snow was "at maximum accumulation" (14")] DID IMPORT
e.g. [Brice and family as they arrived Xmas Eve.] Did NOT IMPORT
So, now I'll spend another chunk of time, this time in SmugMugs Bulk Editor doing it all over again. ARGH!!!
My SmugMug "wishlist" priorities are shifting focus as a result. Continually adding new features (the "realease often" business model) only makes sense if what's already implemented works "as intended" day-in, day-out, without fail.
So as much as I'd really like to see virtual galleries, site-wide edit capability for keywords, and an efficient copy and/or move multiple photos functionality, I've come to the realization that consistant, stable behavior (captions that import every time, not just part of the time, keywords that import every time, not just part of the time, arrange photos efforts that "stick" after one attempt instead of after 3 or 4 attempts, etc) should, in my view, take priority over developing new features.
you probably just needed to wait a little bit, Papa. Maybe we'll feed the hamsters some more.
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Andy...don't you ever sleep?! What do you feed the hampsters..."timed-release" capsules, I'll bet.
I'll take two myself, and call you in the morning, Doc.
OK...I'm trying to maintain a sense of humor about this...really, but it's increasingly difficult. I had intended to email share my Xmas photos with family last evening.
I waited overnight for the rest of my captions and any/all of my keywords to show up on SmugMug...they didn't (even though I entered them using Photoshop Elements before uploading). I don't know how many good years I have left, and the thought of spending them waiting for software to catch up with life is not highly rated on my wish list.
I see no other choice but to re-enter my captions and keywords using Smug's bulk editor...(TOMORROW, since I won't have time today due to other commitments. The family will just have to survive another day or two without my Xmas photos and witty commentary). It's the software-created delay in completing what should be a straightforward task that's testing my patience. If I were a Pro counting on income from this project, I'd be livid about now.
I'm sorry you'd be so angry
Send me an example of PSE 4 file that the keywords didn't come across to Smuggy. Email to our help desk ATTN: Andy in the subject line and let me try and figure out what happened, Lane.
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I figure it's only fair for the "complainer" to publicly fess-up when the complainer himself turns out to be the root cause of a problem. It's also good that others be made aware of cause/effect so they don't make the same mistake I did (lambasting SmugMug when Smug didn't deserve it).
While copying the file to send you I noticed the file type was listed as a "Corel Photo Album 6 Photo" (not the Photshop Elements 4 file I thought I had).
I use Corel 6 to download my photos from my camera to my computer. I've used it for a long comfortable with it...and prefer the way it quickly handles routine sort/crop/red-eye fixes versus waiting for PSE to load its more complex "editing workspace".
But I prefer PSE's captioning and keywording functionality over Corel's, so I switch editing applications depending on the task. And that, I believe, is where the root cause of the problem appears Corel and PSE are not entirely 100% compatible. So when I "update" (add captions and/or kewords) a Corel file using the PSE interface, the original (Corel) file fails to pick up all the new attributes.
Bottom line: you can't upload something to SmugMug if it doesn't exist. Complaining that SmugMug should do something about it is unfair (and embarrassing!). My apologies.
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In the interests of helping any one else reading this with a similar problem, as far as I can tell Corel Photo Album 6 stores all keywords in a separate database, not in the image file itself. Therefore no SmugMug uploader will ever be able to upload those keywords. I use Corel Paint Shop Pro X-2 which does store the keywords in the file, which is annoying.