Allow someone else to upload into a Galley

Is there a way to allow someone else to upload pictures to a specific gallery?
I have setup an unlisted gallery called Inbox where I want to let someone upload pictures without having access to my whole site. I would ideally prefer a guest password type of access, but even if it's another smugmug user, it would work for me
Is there a feature that I can use (and don't know about it yet?)
I have setup an unlisted gallery called Inbox where I want to let someone upload pictures without having access to my whole site. I would ideally prefer a guest password type of access, but even if it's another smugmug user, it would work for me
Is there a feature that I can use (and don't know about it yet?)
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above

You can let people add photos to your site using email. This help page has more information. A Pro account holder can setup an assistant password.
Thanks. emails serves me well because it is also restricted to a single gallery and is a one way ticket to a single task (the way I want it). Does email support any sort of file aggregation (like attaching a zip instead of individual images)? My individual images uploaded fine, but when I tried a zip file, it did not work (and it did not bounce either. seems it got trashed at SM end)
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
A 3rd party developer has been working on a service which would allow this sort of uploading.
I'll ping him to see where he's at.
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