get my domain name to work on smugmug
I cancelled my Foliolink account several days ago and moved to smugmug. I've set up a basic site but I cannot seem to get Foliolink to release my domain name ( and fwd it to smugmug's ip address. Is there any way I can expedite this?
I will be happy to help. But, you do not want to use forwarding. You must use a CNAME and or an A record.
You mention having the "basic" account. Are you referring to the Standard account? I am afraid that you cannot use that with a custom domain. You need a Power or Pro account for that to work correctly. If you have a Standard, you will need to upgrade. You can upgrade in your control panel on the settings tab.
Please email me on the help desk and I will help you get things setup. It is not possible to force the domain host to change quickly. They have rules that they must follow in regards to transfers.
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Thansk for the comments, but frankly I'm not sure what to do now; I've emailed Foliolink; no answer. I have no idea what to do not to retrieve my domain name and use it on smugmug. What do you suggest?
You would have to change the CNAME record set at your domain registrar. Running a Whois lookup on your domain, it seems to be that is your domain registrar. You would have to contact them to make the change or login into your domain control panel and do it yourself.
Currently, there's a CNAME for the www host pointed to
You would have to change that setting to:
That should do the trick.
SmugMug Support Hero