picasa like interface for album viewing - thumbs only and variable size using slider
i wonder if there is a way smugmug can offer picasa like interface (as one of the styles). or alternatively, smugmug can add a slider to increase the size of thumbnails in the "smugmug" style.
as of now, i feel that smugmug is behind picasa in so many dimensions. tagging people by hovering the mouse over their faces, slider to change thumb sizes and easier linkages with facebook etc.
smugmug is cool and what not. and i have been a customer for 4+ years. but i feel that smugmug is (may be deliberately) falling behind significantly on some of these features that non-pro users care about.
any thoughts from the experts here or the smugmug team?
as of now, i feel that smugmug is behind picasa in so many dimensions. tagging people by hovering the mouse over their faces, slider to change thumb sizes and easier linkages with facebook etc.
smugmug is cool and what not. and i have been a customer for 4+ years. but i feel that smugmug is (may be deliberately) falling behind significantly on some of these features that non-pro users care about.
any thoughts from the experts here or the smugmug team?
example: http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/3907332#228670387_ZBBqa-O-LB For sure I'd love to see these features here - easier linkages with Facebook is on the front-burner!
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1. this is good. is there a way to change the size of the thumbnails. the preview image is larger here.
2. is this feature of picasa web albums on the cards here?
3. is there any way a standard user can force a display style on his album? maybe by using a different link or something. i know it was not possible some time ago.
4. and finally, some cool facebook integration would be awesome!
All users have the 'Gallery Style' setting at the gallery level, which allows the gallery owner to force the display style for that gallery.
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Will check out the FB app. The thread linked to is long, and I have not yet managed to get to the app (which it appears is in beta).
thanks for the responses.
This has been on my wish list for nearly 4 years. I don't like locking my viewers into one style, but I also don't want them to start out in a different style just because they happened to use that style on someone else's site. I too wish we could specify a "starting" style for viewing without having to lock it down.
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and can smugmug give us some face tagging? a-la picasa. i am sure quite a few of your customers host their family photos, and ability to tag faces would be super cool, especially if it came with some facial recognition once the software is trained. wishing here...