
Digital download average price guidance, anyone?

vicarious1vicarious1 Registered Users Posts: 12 Big grins
edited November 19, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
Hello. I am totally new to this forum. I have started my first galleries on Smugmug as http://vicarious1.smugmug.com/ Is there anyone who would give me some guidance on what to charge for digital download for private and commercial licences. I was told that 100% markup on Smug basic prices is not unreasonable, so I set my galleries according this comment. But for the digital I am totally lost for prices. Thank you so much. Merry Xmas Happy 2009.
Since there is Light there is Beauty.


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    brooklyngalbrooklyngal Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited November 19, 2010
    So I am interested in any response or what your final decision on this was, since I am facing the same situation. Any suggestions on the pricing?
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    JimKarczewskiJimKarczewski Registered Users Posts: 969 Major grins
    edited November 19, 2010
    I think pricing depends on what kind of photos you are trying to push. Your website does nothing but take me to SmugMug so I'm guessing you haven't uploaded anything yet?

    You shooting people? If so, Portraits, weddings, events (bars/meetings/expos)
    You shooting landscapes? Objects?

    It's difficult to say without knowing, I honestly charge different depending on the type of shoot. So start simple and let us know what it is you shoot!
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