Petrographic microscope series: intro
Before I get on with the GOOD stuff, I'll first show you how I set up a Nikon D200 (with a Tamron 28-80 with a 1:3.9 [I think] macro lens) to take shots from the left eyepiece of our Zeiss petrographic microscope. And you might also notice that, while the microscope stage will rotate smoothly until "the cows come home", there's no X/Y adjustments. Which means I have to move my specimens with coffee-nerve fingers :bash
Be that as it may, here's the setup. When taking any shots, the lights were dimmed to prevent annoying reflection artifacts.
Be that as it may, here's the setup. When taking any shots, the lights were dimmed to prevent annoying reflection artifacts.
Y'all know what silicon carbide is, right? That black, gritty, abrasive stuff used for sanding, paint stripping, filing nails. I hate it when that stuff gets between my teeth!
Under a Zeiss petrographic microscope at 250X and polarizers with lambda filter, all of a sudden something strange happens: it ain't so BLACK anymore!
Nikon D200...ISO 100...f 5.6...1.3 sec...Tamron 28-80 at 78mm.
You know, it's kinda disappointing that NOT ALL crystalline substances rotate polarized light. Plain old table salt is one of them.
However, there are additives present to prevent caking (sodium silico-aluminate) and prevent goiter and other thyroid disorders (sodium iodide). It appears that these additives just might betray themselves under polarized light (12.5X).
Nikon D200...ISO 100...1/10 sec...f 4.5...and dang it I forgot what I had the Tamron 28-80 set at.
Here's a closer look at that table salt. Camera settings (and the forgetting where the Tamron 28-80 was set at) are the same, except for 1/3 sec exposure.
Magnification at the microscope objective of 25X.
Now while table salt generally is pretty dull under polarizing light, that sugar that you put WAY TOO MUCH OF in your coffee or on your already sweetened cereal (stop looking around, you know who you are!) is more of a show-off at, oh, around 12.5X magnification or so.
Nikon D200...ISO 100...1/10 sec...f 5.0...Tamron 28-80 set at 68mm.
Hi there Corehead, these are awesome.... love your setup
The sugar crystals look more like candy being pink...mmmmm sugar
Yes I do like sweet things and your version of sugar looks so much prettier.
Im moving this thread to the Macro Forum
Thanks for taking the time to show us how you set these shots up,
and for going into detail about the shots and the camera settings you used too.
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I was hoping you'd "pick up" on that need. After all, you're getting to be somethng of an old-timer in the Dgrin world.
This site sure has GROWN in the last couple years!!!
Brian V.