Antwerp, Belgium? (Jan 24/25 2009)

I'm going to be working out of Antwerp in the morning/early afternoon of Saturday (January 24) and early afternoon/evening of the next day (Sunday, January 25). The time in between is all mine, and I'm staying in a hotel in Antwerp, close to downtown.
I'm wanting to shoot a sunset- and/or night-panorama of the city and I'm looking for the best place to go. Even though the main office of the company I work for is in Antwerp, I don't go there often and am not too familiar with the city.
I will have a car with me. I know there is some water around, so if someone knows of a location where I could shoot over the water towards the city that is interesting, that would greatly be appreciated. If not, I may go do some (night)shooting at the Grote Markt.
(Other) suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone is interested in meeting up, let me know :thumb
I'm wanting to shoot a sunset- and/or night-panorama of the city and I'm looking for the best place to go. Even though the main office of the company I work for is in Antwerp, I don't go there often and am not too familiar with the city.
I will have a car with me. I know there is some water around, so if someone knows of a location where I could shoot over the water towards the city that is interesting, that would greatly be appreciated. If not, I may go do some (night)shooting at the Grote Markt.
(Other) suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone is interested in meeting up, let me know :thumb
You need to go to Linkeroever, the left bank of the Schelde to look back over the city. If you want to drive there, take the ring road towards Gent (not Brussels, not Breda), go through the tunnel and hang a right on the exit for "Linkeroever".
It's an ok spot for shooting back at the city.
What I would is, but not at night, is go to Zurenborg (
It has the nicest collection of houses in the country. There is not one house even remotely the same within a few blocks, some more elaborate than others. If you go to the Transvaalstraat, go to number 55 and ask if you can shoot inside. It won a national prize for the best renovated house in the country. It's stunning on the inside and a bit less so on the outside. Take some wide angle lenses. The veranda has 15X15 foot glass inlaid ceiling etc. Your eyes will be jumping all over the place.
I know it well. I lived in it from 1978 to 1993. 13 rooms, 4 floors, grandiose like in the movies. God I miss that place... :cry
Here are some pictures:
The Grote Markt is a good place to shoot stuff, but some of the side streets are interesting too. You can get some good shots in the pedestrian tunnel to Linkeroever. It's at the end of the pedestrian street that ends at the Grote Markt which has the "Number 1" French fry place. Can't miss it ... there is also a good bar, Het Zand, near the entrance to the pedestrian tunnel. Guiness on tap and lots of fauna... :-)
Het Steen, right on the water from the Grote Markt is also lit at night and makes for some nice shots.
Have fun .... and report back.
If you are on the Grote Markt, take the Hoogstraat to St- Jansvliet. There is the entrance of the tunnel.
For pictures of Antwerp: &
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Unfortunately, time a bit shorter as planned, so I had to make some changes. I headed straight down to the downtown area first, and then under the Schelde river through the tunnel for some nightshots. Weather for dayshooting was mediocre at best, but for night it was pretty good, I think. I didn't get that many shots, but I may have something that I can work with.
I may have some time to process this week, I will share, of course.
This is one of my unprocessed shots:
Thanks again & smugmug