DQ'ed from DSS15 (and post-closing comments)
Our first round using gallery upload submission is over and I think it went rather well. Since it is the first round like this, I thought I'd put up this thread so you all know the score, and maybe we can answer some follow-up questions here.
Firstly, I'd like to say that this method really brought out the lurkers! :clap
To do my job this morning, I actually had to look up more than a few dgrin usernames I'd never seen before (to make sure you were valid entries)! On that note, there was unfortunately one DQ I had to make because there was no valid dgrin username attached: Toolo, if you are reading this, sorry, but this contest is first for dgrinners, not just smugmuggers. That is a point I'd like to make clear - it's great if you have a smugmug account, but to compete here, you must register on dgrin (you don't have to post, but you do have to register).
Otherwise, the other 4 DQ's suffered from missing photographer. You MUST put your username in the caption!
Let's all stick to this format: "dgrin username - photo title"
I've saved the DQ's, for now, here:
Firstly, I'd like to say that this method really brought out the lurkers! :clap
To do my job this morning, I actually had to look up more than a few dgrin usernames I'd never seen before (to make sure you were valid entries)! On that note, there was unfortunately one DQ I had to make because there was no valid dgrin username attached: Toolo, if you are reading this, sorry, but this contest is first for dgrinners, not just smugmuggers. That is a point I'd like to make clear - it's great if you have a smugmug account, but to compete here, you must register on dgrin (you don't have to post, but you do have to register).
Otherwise, the other 4 DQ's suffered from missing photographer. You MUST put your username in the caption!
Let's all stick to this format: "dgrin username - photo title"
I've saved the DQ's, for now, here:
Since 2004...
what is ridiculous?
Perhaps, but...
Everyone who enters an image into a challenge also plays by the same rules. They are pretty straight forward and allow for as much more creativity than many of the challenges on other forums.
Besides that, the Dgrin community is MUCH larger than just the challenges. Theres a whole other world in those other areas of the board with little or no rules.
Give 'em a break....
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
Rules comments aside, that is a very common problem that I would like to address, once again:
Smugmug DOES NOT EQUAL Dgrin
This is true for contests, for the help forums, disqualifications, rules, etc. Yes, Dgrin happens to be supported by Smugmug, but these are not the Smugmug forums, they are the Dgrin forums.
Therefore, that has, and always will be the first and foremost rule: to play in a Dgrin game, you have to be a Dgrin member. To be honest, that really makes your comment about "community" invalid - you have to first be a member of the community for the rules to even apply, dontcha think?