>DSS #15 (Family or Strangers) Feedback

Hi guys! Another great round! :clap
The gallery is ready for you all to start giving eachother feedback here:
Please, try to be as constructive as possible. It's what makes this community such an awesome place. :barb
All general comments, top tens, etc., can be placed in this thread.
The gallery is ready for you all to start giving eachother feedback here:
Please, try to be as constructive as possible. It's what makes this community such an awesome place. :barb
All general comments, top tens, etc., can be placed in this thread.
Psalm 62:5-6
I had to keep reminding myself that the theme was "Family and Strangers" rather than "relationships", but there's no doubt that the images with a really strong sense of a relationship in them had more impact on me. Sometimes that was interaction between the parties, but in a couple of cases it was the strong interaction between the subject and photographer which captured me. In most cases, the photograph told me a story, but still left me unanswered questions; the story was clear, but enough mystery was there to let me fill in the blanks with my own interpretation.
Several images kept me coming back to them and asking myself over and over WHY I wanted to include them; in the end, I'm not entirely sure I know the full answer, but I figure if I went back to them that many times then they obviously had enough of an impact on me to include!
There were several images that were very VERY "near misses" - I wish I could have included those but, alas, 10 is 10, and thus I had to leave some out that I really enjoyed.
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I'm logged correctly into Dgrin with my user ID and password and when I make a comment in the gallery I show up as "challenges":
Can someone please tell me what's happening? I'm using Firefox as my browser. :help
You need to be correctly logged into your Smugmug account. Sounds like you had the challenge login.
Linda, try signing out and back in, and remember to refresh the gallery.
this is getting out of hand, another thing is you keep the submission period open for a week or longer and yet the voting is done in one day, just doesnt make sense
Your image has to pass through two judges to get to the poll. It's kind of like a final, not something that happens automatically.
this will help you.
Well, you've a long way to go before you catch up with me. I've been in pretty much all of the LPS and Challenges, and my images only made it to the vote on maybe three tries. I can't tell you to learn exactly what I've learned here, but pretty much when I don't make it to the vote, it's because my image was either total $%&@, or the other entries were just that good, or both. Generally a group of photographers at all levels trying to help each other out. Mods are volunteers, and judges are the same.
Where'd you get "one day?" Entries are open for two weeks, usually close on a Monday, and polls stay open for pretty much 4 days.
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
We're happy to help, all you have to do is ask - but we really don't appreciate these curt posts of yours.
Share, ask, shoot.
thank you for the feedback but one thing
I had to say something to the comment [not a comfortable feeling]
The theme was family or strangers -- the entries became relationship there was 3 shots that may have been strangers ?? My shot was not well done that said your comment about the rocks, etc., right on. Not a comfortable feeling -- then my shot worked. If I had posed her talked with her she would not be a stranger if it was a man reading a book would you be bothered.?
I did not mean the comment about discomfort as a negative criticism. I could've been more clear: your image puts the viewer in the position of a peeping tom very effectively, and so played very creatively with the theme of 'stranger'. So I liked your approach to the theme. I made the comments about the pose and rocks to point out how final image could've more strongly supported your concept for the image. I well understand the difficulty (impossibility?) of doing everything that in retrospect we might see as improving an image. But it still makes sense to point these things out nonetheless.
Thanks for running the show diva and for all the critiquing. Whatever happened to the results?
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Oops...sorry, I missed manually closing it again (got carried away with real life). I'll have to start setting a reminder. :cry Hang tight...