Does this work?

This is one of those where I wonder if I am seeing something that isn't there. I haven't done many silhouettes .
(Yes this was taken from Treasure Island.)
Thanks for your opinions. Yes / no ?
(Yes this was taken from Treasure Island.)
Thanks for your opinions. Yes / no ?
Hmm, I think that would work quite well too come to think of it.
I pondered the suggestion to add more water but the water looks too choppy to provide a good reflection so it would maybe end up distracting (still worth a shot though so you know instead of guessing).
no, not really, sorry. Contrails mess up the whole picture :cry Water you you crop out, I agree, but contrails would be a major PITA to clean..
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
SmugMug QA
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Care to share your camera settings?
Just started to build my SmugMug galleries:
The camera setting aren't anything magic. 70-200 2.8 L @70 mm F16, 1/60.
It's all in the long hours of training, practice, and the secret techniques of pressing the shutter button.
(ether that or the sun, clouds, light, all aligned while a lucky photog was standing around pressing the shutter button willy nilly.)
Digital Illusions Photography & Design
1764 Shawna Ct, Klamath Falls OR, 97603
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"The Race is long but in the end it is only with yourself" ~Unknown