Dynamic Range vs Bit Depth

This tutorial aims to explain many things, like overxposing images and it's effects and also clears the myth of high dynamic range on cameras and it's direct relation with bith depth, wich now is a new myth, like it was the megapixles in a past period of time...
Please read, make your own tests and comment, if you feel you need to
Important Note: These are my testings by using what I have at hand, any mistake I could commit, please, feel free to point it
Have a new year, which means, be better. Because each year is even worst than the last in general terms: more war, less food, water, clean air, etc... So "Happy New Year" is for me just but silly hypocrite protocol between humans in general terms.
In indifvidual terms is a balance of what we have to evolution.
Okay, have a good evolution buddies!
Please read, make your own tests and comment, if you feel you need to

Important Note: These are my testings by using what I have at hand, any mistake I could commit, please, feel free to point it

Have a new year, which means, be better. Because each year is even worst than the last in general terms: more war, less food, water, clean air, etc... So "Happy New Year" is for me just but silly hypocrite protocol between humans in general terms.
In indifvidual terms is a balance of what we have to evolution.
Okay, have a good evolution buddies!