Thanks Aaron, we are pretty lucky for living in Illinois, which in general is pretty darn flat, we live in an area that is hilly and wooded and very peaceful! I'm sure you're not hurting for beautiful views in Utah
but i cant just walk out my back door for them... i want that swing!
Note: These are different than my original choices, these ones reflect a much more conventional interpretation of the theme, rather than the loose and abstract interpretations that bounce around in my mind. I blame both Aaron and George Carlin for steering me off course
Shelter from the snow:
Home for Christmas:
A twist of twine:
The first one is of Lake Washington in Bellevue, WA, and the last two are of my niece, at her home (of all places).
...images that communicate a personal statement or feeling of what "Home" means (to you, or to the subject of the photo), rather than a generic "Home Sweet Home" cliché.
Below, I've attempted to break down "Home" into four main ideas (thanks to Mr. Roget), starting with the most common:
*dwelling, abode, domicile, habitation
*family, social unit
*origin, root, source
*location, environment
All of these are certainly open to interpretation, and I expect many entries to push the envelope and expand the definitions of "home." But entries straying "too far" off theme run the risk of having their relevance lost on me. Landscapes, travel shots and abstracts can be wonderful interpretations; however, I suggest that if a strong idea of "home" is not readily apparent to the average viewer (me), a good title or written statement can be very helpful in choosing my top picks and ultimately the winning shot.
This little note is meant as encouragement: don't be afraid to submit less-than-picture-perfect images if you think they might relate to the theme better than some technically "better" shots in your library! I hope this helps!!!
Thanks again everyone for all the great entries and ideas so far. I am again humbled by the obvious talent and skill here.
Providing comfort, warmth, and solitude. Canon 20D w/17-40
Providing a magical escape from the stress of reality. Canon 20D w/10-22
Providing a lifetime of memories. Some good. Some not-so-good. Canon 5D w/24-70
The concept of home is very subjective. It’s interesting to see what others have found to best represent that concept. I already have a few faves in this thread. Anxious to see what else pops up.
I’ve tried to make a mental note to participate in these “mini” challenges more often but it seems I always get diverted when I start browsing through all the wonderful photos on Digital Grin.
Where ever, Whatever.
1st picture post, 1st mini challenge - the main challenge looked a little too challenging !!! - so if i get it wrong apologies to all.
Whatever the weather, where ever we are - home
Being part of the "pond life" is OK - just keep aspiring
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Mini-Challenge #68 is now closed
Thanks everyone for your participation and all the great entries in this challenge. All entries after this post will be DQ'd. But feel free to continue posting comments as you like!
My top 5 and the winning shot will be announced soon!
Thanks Aaron. I think we can work something out. Do you want the log cabin or the house with the porch?
which ever one comes with the most chopped wood...
but i cant just walk out my back door for them... i want that swing!
Note: These are different than my original choices, these ones reflect a much more conventional interpretation of the theme, rather than the loose and abstract interpretations that bounce around in my mind. I blame both Aaron and George Carlin for steering me off course
Shelter from the snow:
Home for Christmas:
A twist of twine:
The first one is of Lake Washington in Bellevue, WA, and the last two are of my niece, at her home (of all places).
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
Hey Ron i like your verosity,
its those photographs i have a problem with...
2. Turnagain Arm at Low Tide, Alaska
3. Denali Splendor, Alaska
Alaska is my home away from home. I love being in the outdoors and enjoying anything nature wants to show me.
As the deadline approaches I'd like to talk a little about the theme. Remember that I'm looking for
Below, I've attempted to break down "Home" into four main ideas (thanks to Mr. Roget), starting with the most common:
*dwelling, abode, domicile, habitation
*family, social unit
*origin, root, source
*location, environment
All of these are certainly open to interpretation, and I expect many entries to push the envelope and expand the definitions of "home." But entries straying "too far" off theme run the risk of having their relevance lost on me. Landscapes, travel shots and abstracts can be wonderful interpretations; however, I suggest that if a strong idea of "home" is not readily apparent to the average viewer (me), a good title or written statement can be very helpful in choosing my top picks and ultimately the winning shot.
This little note is meant as encouragement: don't be afraid to submit less-than-picture-perfect images if you think they might relate to the theme better than some technically "better" shots in your library! I hope this helps!!!
Thanks again everyone for all the great entries and ideas so far. I am again humbled by the obvious talent and skill here.
Providing comfort, warmth, and solitude.
Canon 20D w/17-40
Providing a magical escape from the stress of reality.
Canon 20D w/10-22
Providing a lifetime of memories. Some good. Some not-so-good.
Canon 5D w/24-70
The concept of home is very subjective. It’s interesting to see what others have found to best represent that concept. I already have a few faves in this thread. Anxious to see what else pops up.
I’ve tried to make a mental note to participate in these “mini” challenges more often but it seems I always get diverted when I start browsing through all the wonderful photos on Digital Grin.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange
Don't worry, I changed them already
Photo Gallery | Blog | I'm Unemployed!
1st picture post, 1st mini challenge - the main challenge looked a little too challenging !!! - so if i get it wrong apologies to all.
Whatever the weather, where ever we are - home
Canon 40D. Canon - 100mm macro, 24-105 IS USM, 70-300 IS USM DO, Speedlite 580EX
I love the colors & the light in your picture! (& of course, the snow)
1. Childhood Home
2. Mommy Is Home.
3.Neighborhood Watch (for the Community's Safety)
Love this shot!! Kudos
Hi Cuong - for some reason I'm not seeing your pictures...
Thank you Donna
1. Family Game Night!
2. Just Chillen
3. Home, The Place Where We Can Play In Our Panties!
Thanks everyone for your participation and all the great entries in this challenge.
My top 5 and the winning shot will be announced soon!