New gear for Montana

Hi all, I am not sure if this is the right place for this but I am going on a trip to Montana next month and I got some B&H gift cards for Christmas so I'm looking for suggestions on what to get.
I don't have a lot to spend right now but I also have a birthday before the trip so who knows? :dunno
All I have right now is a Canon 40D with the EF 28-135mm kit lens. I REALLY want to get a wide angle but I'm just not sure I will end up with enough money to get what I want....I'm looking at the Sigma 10-20mm and I'm pretty sure I couldn't go TOOOOO much higher in price range. I'm also open to other suggestions (filters, tripods, telophoto lens, etc.). Landscape and wildlife are probably the two most interesting areas of photography to me so I'm extremely excited about taking this trip! Thanks for looking.

All I have right now is a Canon 40D with the EF 28-135mm kit lens. I REALLY want to get a wide angle but I'm just not sure I will end up with enough money to get what I want....I'm looking at the Sigma 10-20mm and I'm pretty sure I couldn't go TOOOOO much higher in price range. I'm also open to other suggestions (filters, tripods, telophoto lens, etc.). Landscape and wildlife are probably the two most interesting areas of photography to me so I'm extremely excited about taking this trip! Thanks for looking.
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"
I have that lens and it is very nice used at f5.6 and f8.
You might consider renting instead of purchase just in case you want to get more lenses for the trip.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
(yes, the Sigma 10-20 at 10mm and about 4 inches away. just imagine if I'd actually tried to capture landscape, huh?)
Can't go wrong with the Siggy 10-20 from what I hear.
I think renting is probably a good idea but the closest camera store to me is not close at all and I have been wanting a super-wide for a long time so I might as well use this as the ultimate excuse to put a little extra in with my gift cards right?
The trip is actually being paid for by Marlboro (going to the Marlboro Ranch) and they are sending me a small check as well.....I promised the wife she could use the money for new carpet but I shouldn't have too much trouble getting a little bit more out of her for a lens to capture all the great memories we are going to least that's what I keep telling myself.
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"
just saying
Thanks for the info!!!!! I swear, if there were an award for best forums ever (and there may be) dgrin would take the cake. I'm always bragging to anybody I know that is getting into photography to come here, everyone is so friendly and helpful!!!!!!!!!!!
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"
I ended up getting a tripod (Slik 700dx), a Cokin P series kit that has three filters (Star 4, Difuser 2 and Graduated Grey G1) and comes with the adapter for my lens. I also got two cheap ND filters because I wanted to be able to stack. Like I said; I have a birthday coming up so I am definitely getting a circular polarizer even if it has to be from myself! :ivar I'm hoping to get a cable release as well. It's funny because I read this list and then went to my wishlist on b&h and had everything you have listed.....I figured a tripod was more important than a cable release and I want the Canon TC-80N3 (w/timer) so I couldn't afford both!
Thanks for the suggestions everybody, once again I find pleasure in dealing with the all the wonderful folk here at dgrin!
"Set the Gear Shift for the High Gear of Your Soul"