Smoky Hills Wind Farm - Lincoln County Kansas
Hello everyone. Long time listener, first time poster. I spent Christmas in central Kansas this year, in very close proximity to the Smoky Hills Wind Farm in Lincoln and Ellsworth counties. I am relatively new to this hobby and not yet completely comfortable with Photoshop, however, I think I wound up with some decent shots here. Please tell me what you all think.
Thanks in advance.





Thanks in advance.






#1. Overall a bit too light and washed out. If you add a brightness/contrast adjustment layer and decrease brightness and up the contrast a tad it will be much improved (especially the sky). If you are familiar with using curves, a curves adjustment would be even better. Alternatively, do Image -> Adjustment -> Shadow/Highlights and just darken the highlights and adjust the midtone contrast. Lots of ways to skin a cat just choose the one that gives the best result
#2.Level the horizon and adjust as in #1. If you are comfortable with using masks, you could limit the adjustment to the sky and windmill on this one.
#3, 4, 5 You've committed the cardinal sin of having the subject dead center which we all did in the beginning.
#3 Could be fixed by cropping the left side in to the start of the hill slope.
#4 I love the colors here. First fix the leftward tilt of the windmill. Since there are no other features but the windmill, I'd like to see this in a portrait format with the windmill still centered.
#5 Good color here. There seems to be too much black at the bottom. I'd try leveling the horizon, then cropping off about half the black making it more of a panoramic view.
#6 Again the centered subject. If this is a crop of the original, I'd go back and redo it to give it a little more room on the left and less on the right so that the windmill is about 1/3 into the frame.
All in all these are quite nice but as I said, they could easily be very very nice. Hope this helps. Looking forward to more posts from you.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
The contrast between the past and future along with the slightly "alien invasion" quality to it.
#1: I tried masking the sky and then editing the levels, the brightness and contrast as well as the color hue (for the sky and turbine). I also adjusted the curves so I think it looks better, especially the sky.
#2: I had trouble getting the blues to come out in the sky, however, I did mask it, and the turbine, and was able to adjust the levels and brightness/contrast.
#3: I cropped per your suggestion and here is what I came up with.
#4: Again, cropped per your suggestion.
#5: Cropped.
For #6, I just wasn't able to get it cropped correctly so I'm going to punt on that one.
What do you think?
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks, I will take a look at the sticky posts and see what I can get out of them. I am working with Photoshop 6.0 so I'm behind the curve a bit but I plan on upgrading to Elements 6 or 7 so that might help a bit.
Thanks again for the input everyone.
and a slow shutter speed, a good time would be on an overcast
low light day. Try f/16, ISO 100 to slow your shutter speed down and
use a tripod and the self timer. The results will amaze you.
Take care,
Dwayne Oakes
Welcome to Dgrin by the way.
I think that these make the turbines seem like they're spinning faster than they really are. It's still a cool effect though.
I have no comments to make on the techniques etc.
But - as a general comment - I can not find anything artistic or pleasant about wind turbines!!:D We have loads in my area and they are perched on a lot of previously beautiful landscapes - breaking up the skyline, and just looking plain ugly!! As someone said - they are aliens!!
I know about green/the environment etc etc...but urghhh
Sorry to use your lovely photographs ( and I do admire what you are trying to do with your pictures by the way) as a chance to unload...please forgive me
Keep posting please.
Take care