ch38: ineligibles

these two were taken a year ago, otherwise I would have entered one, cos current inspiration levels are way down and I just couldn't get it together for the 'one' challenge. I obviously still wouldn't have won though :cry .
Summer on the beach in NZ :rofl

Once you went off-shore the weather cleared up.
I'm proud of this shot cos my Sony P1 had a shutter lag of around 0.5sec (on top of the 1.5sec it took to focus).
Summer on the beach in NZ :rofl

Once you went off-shore the weather cleared up.
I'm proud of this shot cos my Sony P1 had a shutter lag of around 0.5sec (on top of the 1.5sec it took to focus).

"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
I'd though of these for the 'one' challenge, but now you mention it the first one is kinda weather related.
my stuff is here.....
Would have been a winner for last challenge. Nice work!