Avian Shots from the last 2 weeks
Not up to par with what Harry et al. do and post routinely - but it's an attempt. Enjoy. Comments/Critiques welcomed as always.
1. Steller's Jay
2. Gull
3. Gull
4. Gull
5. Gull
6. Snowy Egret
7. Bald Eagle
8. Bald Eagle
1. Steller's Jay
2. Gull
3. Gull
4. Gull
5. Gull
6. Snowy Egret
7. Bald Eagle
8. Bald Eagle
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
I've never seen one before. Oh well, another one to add to the list that keeps growing.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Enjoyed them all!
My website | NANPA Member
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy