
HDR Files - Saving

SciurusNigerSciurusNiger Registered Users Posts: 256 Major grins
edited January 3, 2009 in Finishing School
I decided to mess around with HDR a bit and wondered how to save them for viewing in places like, for example, right here? I ended up reducing the image to 16-bit and saving it as a PNG (the only all-'round viewable option; the original is HERE.). Is that correct?


I've used the D2Xs' in-camera image merge many times and took the same photograph with it (original of this one is HERE):


Slightly different post-processing on the JPG (more CS2 options make it easier to adjust shadows, etc.) but I guess my question boils down to this: just what does HDR buy me? I used a wide range of f-stops for both (9, 13, & 18) and can end up with what looks like (on the monitor) essentially the same photograph.


Garnered Images Photography

"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)


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