I'm new nd need assistance
Hi everyone
I'm new to smugmug and just set up a basic wedding site. I set up my domain which was no problem at all. The help at smugmug when you email them are not very helpful. Perhaps someone here can assist?
How do I shut off the search box on my site
Once I create a private password gallery how does the client access their photos? Basic info that could not find on help section. You type what your looking for in the search box and some other random topics appear.
How do I cancel my google anylytics. An error occured where I can't view map and the [EMAIL="help@smugmug"]help@smugmug[/EMAIL] is basically useless in assisting. I just signed up with this site and I am disappointed with the customer service.
If you want to assist be polite as I am new to this site as explained above
Not a very good first impression I am getting
I will post additional questions as needed
email answers to dbcemporium@gmail.com
My new website is www. dblairphoto.com
I'm new to smugmug and just set up a basic wedding site. I set up my domain which was no problem at all. The help at smugmug when you email them are not very helpful. Perhaps someone here can assist?
How do I shut off the search box on my site
Once I create a private password gallery how does the client access their photos? Basic info that could not find on help section. You type what your looking for in the search box and some other random topics appear.
How do I cancel my google anylytics. An error occured where I can't view map and the [EMAIL="help@smugmug"]help@smugmug[/EMAIL] is basically useless in assisting. I just signed up with this site and I am disappointed with the customer service.
If you want to assist be polite as I am new to this site as explained above
Not a very good first impression I am getting
I will post additional questions as needed
email answers to dbcemporium@gmail.com
My new website is www. dblairphoto.com
Among other things, I'm the guy that is responsible for our help desk and I will find out were we fell short for you!
First I'm going to help you here.
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you can stop the display of your header, go to control panel>customize tab>site wide customizing>display SmugMug header, "No" and put a space in the header box. Then save the customizing page.
More help: http://www.smugmug.com/help/create-photo-album
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The responses I am getting from your help desk are very general with occasionally a vew good links that might actually assist me. Other then that I figured out how to do stuff on my own. I used ifp3.com. Their customer service via email was outstanding. I switched to smugmug because I was paying too much per month when I realized I can get the same by paying per year and save a lotmore money.
Once I accomplish what I am trying to do at first I will need assistance. After thenI pretty much will leave my site alone. I need you to walk me throuh the questions I inquired about
Thank you
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and you'd give them the password (groux)
More Help on getting the sharing link in our help pages:
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How'd I do?
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I'm glad that part's fixed! What's next now
If you need help with actual Google Analytics, or Google Maps, just holler!
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OK I found all your mails and what a surprise, I answered one of them
You asked about credit card processing - the answer was perfect, was there something missing there?
You asked about sharing links for galleries on the 29th of December, and Hero Barb replied with the same answer I gave above, only actually with more words and description
Looks like on the 28th, Hero Seth helped you with setting up a passworded gallery - are there questions on that still?
I'm sorry, from what I see, we've been resposnive immediately and with helpful answers - but as I said, it's quite possible that we missed the mark with you somehow, and I want to fix that. Just let me know specifically and exactly please, how we failed in the dozen emails we sent you. We've built our reputation partly on our amazing Support Heroes, and the help we give from our help desk 365 days a year, nights, weekends, holidays.. and if something's wrong or amiss, I want to address it asap. Thanks!
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then you could link your price list, for example, to the navbar: http://dblairphoto.smugmug.com/gallery/7001709_FrqLL#448178995_WpRn5-A-LB
I also suggest forcing that gallery to journal maybe. Tools>customize gallery>viewing style
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