Colorado by Motorcycle
Some 'on the move' shots - couldn't handle the D80 or D300 while riding, so the little L10 had to do... Not the greatest pictures, but fun. No post processing at all, straight from the camera.
Great pictures and a fantastic trip.....thanks for allowing us to go along
Looks like a great ride!
Back then, there was no digital but I took a couple of photos, including this one when I reached the ocean/PCH:
I remember trying all sorts of ways to sit on the motorcycle seat: legs forward, legs back, legs bent, leaning back, etc., etc., etc. and I did not touch the bike for a couple of months afterward.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks everybody for your kind words.
Yes, the K-GT is definitely fun and fast - but it's also very quiet, "non-vibrational," and very comfortable (after replacing the stock seats with Corbins) - it seemed like this bike was made to eat up those CO mountain roads.
All the way to the Pacific Coast and riding the PCH... Aaahhhh, yes that's on my list too
Then through OR along the Pacific coast South via San Fransisco to Los Angeles.
Finally back home the Southern route, via AZ, NM, CO, NE.
Only problem - time ... I'd definitely (have to) take my time for this one, and I'd have my D300 along in addition to my L10 and L18 (backup)
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About the time I bought it. She's been replaced with an Adventure now. Both very comfy and capable bikes for sure.
Sounds like a more ambitious trip than mine for sure! My trip was also definitely done on the cheap. I stayed a few days with friends in Nevada, California and Arizona but otherwise camped at these spots along the way:
1) Green River, Utah
1) Dead Horse Point (HIGHLY recommended) in Utah
2) Somewhere along the PCH
3) Wolf Creek Pass, Colorado (This one was decided a the last minute after two deer crossed the road directly in front of me. I was shaking from the experience AND the cold -- Brrrr....)
(my tent and camping gear are in that big red bag in the first pic)
I did break down and stay in a hotel one night in Santa Barbara when I was on my own, though. I did the traveling over a two week period, not all at once, so as to avoid rain and storms where possible. Along the trip, I met many motorcyclists doing the same thing and have lots of great stories. Your post sparked me to take a look back at those pics -- thanks!
Here is what my camping setup looked like in Green River, Utah:
For me, I found that my riding ceased once the kids came along (and I sold my bike) but having the pictures brings back lots of memories so it is great that you are taking the camera along. Just please be safe if you are tempted to take them while you are riding, not to mention watching out for the many drivers who don't see you!
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