Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
edited September 13, 2009 in Mind Your Own Business
GOT A CALL TO NIGHT FROM THE aRT dIRECTOR for CityScape Books showing interest in my photos from my website....even with the very ugly huge watermark.....will see if what he wants tomorrow.....said he was working a book called Wichita Vision may go no where or it may go somewhere.....

it will go where it is supposed to and that is all I can expect. :D
"Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website



  • clemensphoto'sclemensphoto's Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited January 5, 2009
    Art - hopefully something will turn out for you. Positive thinking.
    Ryan Clemens
    Canon 7D w/BG-E7 Vertical Grip, Canon 50D w/ BG-E2N Vertical Grip, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, Canon 18-55mm, Canon 580EX II Flash and other goodies.
    Ignorance is no excuss, so lets DGrin!
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited January 5, 2009
    And An Email
    Art - hopefully something will turn out for you. Positive thinking.

    Thank you....yes positive thinking ...... always, most of the time........

    Below is email from Art Director........
    email wrote:


    I just left you a phone message but I thought I should back it up
    with an email. My name is Thad Pickett and I'm the Art Director for
    CityScapes Books and we are producing a coffee table style book
    featuring Wichita called Wichita Visions.

    I was in Wichita this past summer in September 2008 on a photo shoot
    and I spoke to you one night after taking photos of the "Keeper of
    the Plains" and we exchanged business cards. I told you a little bit
    about the Wichita Visions project that night but I was on a tight
    shooting schedule that evening and I couldn't get into all the
    details about the book.

    The Wichita Visions book is a high end, 9x12, full color book that
    features professional photography of all things Wichita in the front
    two thirds of the book and editorial profiles of local businesses in
    the back third of the book. The book is pre-sold and will be printed
    in late March 2009.

    Part of my job while in Wichita was to learn the city, take photos,
    and scout for local photographic talent and invite them to submit
    their photos of Wichita for consideration for use in the Wichita
    Visions book. The types of photos that CityScapes Books needs from
    the Wichita photographers are creative images of; architecture,
    events, seasons, museums, sculpture, places of worship, the arts,
    historic places, local and city officials, transportation,
    landscapes, cityscapes, night life, favorite eateries and food,
    homes, diversified culture and people, dance, concerts, parks, the
    popular and not so popular, the abstract and conservative, all things
    that catch the creative professional's eye. I have viewed your
    website and a good number of your images are exactly what I am
    talking about above for image type and craftsmanship. Your Troll
    photo is awesome, what a great part of Wichita history.

    Images selected for print in the publication are for a one time, non
    exclusive, use in the Wichita Visions book with payment made per
    image based upon image size used in the book as outlined in the
    CityScapes Books photo submission guidelines and payment schedule
    document. On average, there are 275 photos used within 200 Photo
    Gallery pages with most double page spreads containing no more then 3
    photos in the Visions book series. There is also a two page photo
    used on every fourth, double page spread. The photographers selected
    to be in the book will also be featured on the Photographer Biography

    I do hope you submit photos for the Wichita Visions book and it would
    be great if you submitted at least 75 of your best people, places,
    and things images. I think your photos are high quality and tell an
    important story about Wichita and would be a valuable asset to the
    book. You can send me your images on CD/DVD and they need to be high
    resolution files that are at least 300 dpi. The submission form that
    I am attaching to this email will out line everything that is needed.
    We are on a very tight schedule and the press deadline for the book
    is March 2009 which means I will need your submissions by mid to late
    January 2009 at the latest. I'm sorry for the short notice but that
    seams to be the nature of business as you know.

    Hope to hear from you soon,


    Looks like I need to hit the bricks early this morning shoot some of the things most people don't rea;lise is here........Whuu Huuu
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited January 6, 2009
    Wholly crap.........
    Just recieved a second email and it stated which images they wanted submitted of my website plus was told to get up to ~235 more to submitted.....I am gonna be busy ..............

    emotion: OVERWHELMED!!!!eek7.gifhuheek7.gifhuheek7.gif ........... SHOOT AND PROCESS......shoot and process.......sshoot and pppprocess.........
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • clemensphoto'sclemensphoto's Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    Come on now it's only 235 more photos, you can do it!clap.gifclap.gif
    Ryan Clemens
    Canon 7D w/BG-E7 Vertical Grip, Canon 50D w/ BG-E2N Vertical Grip, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, Canon 18-55mm, Canon 580EX II Flash and other goodies.
    Ignorance is no excuss, so lets DGrin!
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    Come on now it's only 235 more photos, you can do it!clap.gifclap.gif

    I shoot more in a 3 hour wedding with no doubles or triples.....but this is a whole 'nuther game for me.......I have lived in this town, this time around, a bit over 30 yrs and not found it to make my creative photo juices flow.....OOhh I need inspiration badly.......Oh Muse.......where are you, when I truly need you?????

    Dang this might become a blurb or asuka book also for me.....Hmmmm ....Still waiting on that muse to come knockin on my door or window..............
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • clemensphoto'sclemensphoto's Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    I suppose taking sports photos (my primary forte) is easier to accumulate a large number of photos faster than landscapes or scenic photos.
    Ryan Clemens
    Canon 7D w/BG-E7 Vertical Grip, Canon 50D w/ BG-E2N Vertical Grip, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, Canon 18-55mm, Canon 580EX II Flash and other goodies.
    Ignorance is no excuss, so lets DGrin!
  • bob swansonbob swanson Registered Users Posts: 138 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    :D Hi Art
    Might be a good opportunity for exposure but did I miss dialogue concerning pay?
  • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    :D Hi Art
    Might be a good opportunity for exposure but did I miss dialogue concerning pay?
    The email he quoted noted that there was a pay schedule included in that e-mail. I guess Art chose not to include the payment schedule in his post ... and who can blame him?
  • bob swansonbob swanson Registered Users Posts: 138 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    eek7.gif Ahhhh! My lack of attention to detail. Thanks Scott. I would never ask anyone about how much. Good luck. bsvirginian
    The email he quoted noted that there was a pay schedule included in that e-mail. I guess Art chose not to include the payment schedule in his post ... and who can blame him?
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    The email he quoted noted that there was a pay schedule included in that e-mail. I guess Art chose not to include the payment schedule in his post ... and who can blame him?

    Yes did leave the pay schedule out but it was in amounts for photo sizes used from 1/4 page to double page. Not having had the opportunity to be involved in this type of venture before, I was sure if that might be a confidentiality breech and was excited enuff to post email while printer was spooling the attachments.
    The contract is for non exclusive rights and all files must have copyright info in the exif data on the disks, so once I am done I will have a PRIVATE gallery that has all the photos I am sending with tracking attached, taht does not help with publishing companies, just web usage.
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • dreamcometruedreamcometrue Registered Users Posts: 139 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    Congrats Art. What an oppertunity. Good luck with ideas. Maybe shoot your favorite spots or areas, but I guess thats a givin. Cant wait to see the finshed set. clap.gif
    Artistic Design Photography LLC
  • carolinecaroline Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    Hi Art, congratulations, wishing you all the best, you have some great pics :-)

    Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips - Follow me on G+

  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    Thanks to all for all the well wishing....Oh my brain is is now noon time but gotta get blood sugar up a bit and then re hit the town.....of course this comes at a time of overcast skies and least it is even lighting.........not all harsh and burning eyes bright...............
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • bob swansonbob swanson Registered Users Posts: 138 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    ne_nau.gif Sorry Art. I wasn't being nosy just unattentive. Good shooting. Often in situations like this the hairs on the back of my neck tingle when I expect the next comment from the potential customer will be "of course this will give you unbelievable exposure".
    Art Scott wrote:
    Yes did leave the pay schedule out but it was in amounts for photo sizes used from 1/4 page to double page. Not having had the opportunity to be involved in this type of venture before, I was sure if that might be a confidentiality breech and was excited enuff to post email while printer was spooling the attachments.
    The contract is for non exclusive rights and all files must have copyright info in the exif data on the disks, so once I am done I will have a PRIVATE gallery that has all the photos I am sending with tracking attached, taht does not help with publishing companies, just web usage.
  • du8diedu8die Registered Users Posts: 358 Major grins
    edited January 8, 2009
    Congrats Art.

    I was just down at Moler's on Douglas the other week. How I do enjoy that place. Are they just interested in Wichita, or the surrounding area? If more, I would imagine that the Yoder area might offer some great sunset horse and buggy options.

    Have fun!
    H2 Photography - Blog - Facebook - Twitter

    Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.

    Why do people post their equipment in their sig. Isn't it kind of like bragging? That having been said...

    Canon 40d Gripped (x2), Rebel (Original), Canon 70-200 f/2.8 USM L, Canon 300 f/4, Tamron 28-75 f/2.8, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Canon 17-55 f/3.5-5.6, ThinkTank Airport TakeOff
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited January 8, 2009
    du8die wrote:
    Congrats Art.

    I was just down at Moler's on Douglas the other week. How I do enjoy that place. Are they just interested in Wichita, or the surrounding area? If more, I would imagine that the Yoder area might offer some great sunset horse and buggy options.

    Have fun!

    just Wichita.....that was kinda my train of thought also.....Yoder and the Amish.....

    Have you traded S/E winconsin for Wichita now.....or were ya just visiting??
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited January 8, 2009
    ne_nau.gif Sorry Art. I wasn't being nosy just unattentive. Good shooting.

    No prob........I had not read all the fine print on what I could publish on web about this and what I could not......I will make some money but not tons....this is a PRE-SOLD coffee table book and prices for published work is okay for this part of the world.....ranging from $50-300 ..... and I do not see it as a vehicle for anything other saying I was published......books are not a great avenue for publicity......However since they are asking for business photos and photos of places of worship, I get to smooze with some cumminty leaders and leave B-cards around.......

    Was asked last night to go shoot a show on Chinese New Year Celebration on 1-24 ...... so some contacts will be made.....

    It has been a learning experience and will continue to be.mwink.gifwinkmwink.gif

    ONe heck of a lot harder than I thought it could be....:D:D:D edspecially since I haven't shoot in and around town mucheek7.gifD Teach me won't itthumb.gif
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • du8diedu8die Registered Users Posts: 358 Major grins
    edited January 8, 2009
    Art Scott wrote:
    just Wichita.....that was kinda my train of thought also.....Yoder and the Amish.....

    Have you traded S/E winconsin for Wichita now.....or were ya just visiting??

    Wife's parents live in Newton, her brother in Sedgwick. Grandparents in Yoder, Partridge, family all over the area. So we were just visiting. We get out there a couple times a year. Some day, though, we might trade the corn fields in for the wheat fields.

    Good luck with the project. I'm anxious to see the results.
    H2 Photography - Blog - Facebook - Twitter

    Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.

    Why do people post their equipment in their sig. Isn't it kind of like bragging? That having been said...

    Canon 40d Gripped (x2), Rebel (Original), Canon 70-200 f/2.8 USM L, Canon 300 f/4, Tamron 28-75 f/2.8, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Canon 17-55 f/3.5-5.6, ThinkTank Airport TakeOff
  • bob swansonbob swanson Registered Users Posts: 138 Major grins
    edited January 9, 2009
    ne_nau.gif With the way the economy is going any money for any job is worth considering. Just "sour grapes" as this is my annual SLOOOOOW time. I've got some jobs lined up in February but this happens every year. Good luck.
    Art Scott wrote:
    No prob........I had not read all the fine print on what I could publish on web about this and what I could not......I will make some money but not tons....this is a PRE-SOLD coffee table book and prices for published work is okay for this part of the world.....ranging from $50-300 ..... and I do not see it as a vehicle for anything other saying I was published......books are not a great avenue for publicity......However since they are asking for business photos and photos of places of worship, I get to smooze with some cumminty leaders and leave B-cards around.......

    Was asked last night to go shoot a show on Chinese New Year Celebration on 1-24 ...... so some contacts will be made.....

    It has been a learning experience and will continue to be.mwink.gifwinkmwink.gif

    ONe heck of a lot harder than I thought it could be....:D:D:D edspecially since I haven't shoot in and around town mucheek7.gifD Teach me won't itthumb.gif
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    Finally got my submissions off to the publisher
    today I got my submissions off to the publisher that contacted me on 1-5-09.....almost 1 month to gather, process, burn a disk and overnite mail........I had no idea how grueling and stressful it could be to gather 250 images for a publisher to peruse for I can put together my new computer that has been sitting quietly taunting me.....with......put me together and all will go faster and easier......did I I know if I had just assembled that new pc I would have been done a week or more ago........

    now I wait to see which if any get published so I can invoice for ones used.
    yes all submissions are copyrighted even in the exif data.....the publsihing company requested them this a matter of fact I was told they would not accept any work that was not copyrighted....made me feel a bit better.
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    Art Scott wrote:
    today I got my submissions off to the publisher that contacted me on 1-5-09.....almost 1 month to gather, process, burn a disk and overnite mail........I had no idea how grueling and stressful it could be to gather 250 images for a publisher to peruse for I can put together my new computer that has been sitting quietly taunting me.....with......put me together and all will go faster and easier......did I I know if I had just assembled that new pc I would have been done a week or more ago........

    now I wait to see which if any get published so I can invoice for ones used.
    yes all submissions are copyrighted even in the exif data.....the publsihing company requested them this a matter of fact I was told they would not accept any work that was not copyrighted....made me feel a bit better.
    Congratulations on getting that tough job completed and out the door. And, it sounds like the publisher is a class act - that's got to make you feel better about the whole deal. Now to see if the $$ start rolling in - I'll hope for the best for you on that.
  • TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    :whew gotta love deadlines....

    its great to hear about this! good job man!
    Aaron Nelson
  • redleashredleash Registered Users Posts: 3,840 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    What a great story! Congratulations on the opportunity, and good luck with the contacts you made--hope they translate into more business for you.
    Good luck!
    "But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)

    Lauren Blackwell
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    Thanks was an eye opener....I stayed up til 3 am putting my new pc together so in the event of anything like this happening again.....I will at least be able to sort more than 5 photos per hour or process in LR faster than 2 or 3 an hour...due to stalls and shut downs.....this old Plll will still be used but only for email and to the store for a switch so I can use this one monitor for both pc's...............

    I must admit it mad me see Wichita I think I will start shooting around town again for me and take my time to make sure all is correct.........The moment it cliks..................

    Also realizing just how SLOOOOOOOOW my current cameras are, for shooting dance and how badly I need great high iso I agin have the dilemna of should it be D700 or 5Dmkll ........
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    Art Scott wrote:
    Also realizing just how SLOOOOOOOOW my current cameras are, for shooting dance and how badly I need great high iso I agin have the dilemna of should it be D700 or 5Dmkll ........
    Oh, that's an easy one ... The 5D2 is the ONLY answer!rolleyes1.giflol:lol4thumb.gifdeal.gifwink
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    Oh, that's an easy one ... The 5D2 is the ONLY answer!rolleyes1.giflol:lol4thumb.gifdeal.gifwink

    THANX SCOTT......You are probably correct...............

    I would have bought into the C family but I do a lot of shooting in nature and do not like to make use of trail makers to give others a trail to follow to that big I had dang near made my decision to go N so I could hook my gps directly into the camera and mark each and every frame with location in case I had to re-shoot a landscape ........ Now I do not know.....I see the pics that Baldy has being doing and it started me wondering if I should go with the 5Dmkll.....or one of the lower end crop cams.....but nothing lower than a D300 or its C counter part.............either way....I will have to terminate a retirement fund to do this.....and I do not believe I will ever get to retire any way:D ..................

    Now to shower and get ready to go out to try and make a deal for shooting on V-day in one of this towns clubs..........
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    Congrats ! :D:D:Dclap.gifclap
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

    My Gallery
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2009
    Congrats ! :D:D:Dclap.gifclap

    Thanks my friend.......if only my eye was any where of being just 1/2 as good as yours.
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited March 24, 2009
    Update From Cityscapes: Wichita Visions Book
    they CityScpes Books just emailed me and wants a bio......oh damn I am not QUALIFIED to write a bio......especially about me ne_nau.gifdunno nor am I articualte enuff and my spelling sucks also.............Oh Gawd....I havce until tomorrrow night.......deadline not the prob the assignment is..........
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • redleashredleash Registered Users Posts: 3,840 Major grins
    edited March 24, 2009
    Art - I usually write pretty well. I'd be glad to help if there's a way.

    "But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)

    Lauren Blackwell
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