another sis-in-law's family
Taken on New Year's Day in Grandma and Grandpa's front yard at about -3 degrees F or so! Brrrr! I did use fill flash. I think my DOF was a little shallow...f/3.5...I didn't get the sharpness I'd like here. But I think it's passable. Thoughts?
Very nice!
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I was waiting for you to post to see if I knew them. Nope, no such luck.
Jeff...yes, the flash in the glasses. What to do?? I decreased a tiny bit of the glare but it's still very much there. I know they won't mind, however, so I'm not letting it stress me. I'm wondering if it's actually a tad warm though.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
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Yes, I've tried the raising the temples thing before...I wasn't terribly fond of the outcome of that. Mostly my question referred to "what to do" after the fact, as none of us were all that interested in messing with glasses in sub-zero temps. This was a FAST shot!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
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Hah! We had already been outside for awhile, getting a big group family shot...we were nearing the end of our tolerance!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Loosely select the colored part of his right eye....copy it....paste it as a new layer.....move it over his left eye.....then create a layer mask and use a soft brush to blend it in. You can zoom in tight and use the clone tool to fix his right will be the harder of the two.
Of course it isnt that bad as is.....I did say it was only a nit!!!
Scotts advice for what to do before the fact is good. Off camera flash is another cure.
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