Today's Weather by ginger

comments? replacements? tutorials?
Oh, the weather today, May 17, 2005: Godaweful wet!

I wasn't going to do this until I recovered my sanity, but I had to go to the doctor's today, I ran into weather that begged to be reported. I grabbed my camera in the front seat of my car and shot through the windshield.
It POURED, just poured rain. This was 1:30 in the afternoon.
Mt Pleasant, South Carolina
Oh, the weather today, May 17, 2005: Godaweful wet!

I wasn't going to do this until I recovered my sanity, but I had to go to the doctor's today, I ran into weather that begged to be reported. I grabbed my camera in the front seat of my car and shot through the windshield.
It POURED, just poured rain. This was 1:30 in the afternoon.
Mt Pleasant, South Carolina
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Three different takes on the same photo. You all want to play? Go get wet first.............
A Detour In Charleston
South Carolina
May 17, 2005
They are going to fix this area up, it will then be unaffordable
to anyone other than the "middle class". I love it now.:cry
I think you are on the right track... However, don't over do it. I find that I favor your first shots over the later ones... Just me.
I like the guy pushing the cart throught the car window with rain on it.
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
What do you mean don't overdo it? Do you mean like the challenge before last where I felt like a rock star in the middle of tour, doing a gazillion things and needing a rest "home" badly? I am not doing that anymore.
I wasn't going to enter anything, but these were just there. I just planned to enter one. Then go on my way. Oh, one of the man pushing his news cart. Which one do you like best of him, the first or the third? Should I try for more pop in the first?
I keep entering him, or trying to, usually it is intentional, this just happened. He walks to work rain or shine, and it was rain. He is just so fascinating, he also has something to do with a church, and he was a professor with all that education et al. He is just fascinating. (He probably makes more money selling newspapers than working at a college these days).
I was so excited to see him in the rain with that cart. And everyone else thought he would be slow, so they took a short cut, that got me close. And I was out of there before the rest were.
I haven't driven in anything like that in 20 years.
What did you take photos of? Was it raining on you, too?
Did you prefer the one I put up last time, before the little girl that everyone liked. I don't think that would have helped. I haven't given it thought as to what would have helped...........seems impossible. I haven't voted, either. I probably will.
If everyone hadn't wanted that girl so bad, I might have done the one yellow fruit with all red fruit of the same type thing.
Or I had the marsh, a piece of marsh grass. I really like one of in the finals that is a weed, twig or piece of is one of my favorites.
However, I was NOT going to WORK at it if it killed me. I wanted to do birds...... and get my dogs out. Today, I did want to go downtown and take photos of the market flooded, but I also wanted to go to the bookstore (Barnes and Noble). Barnes and Noble won out. It has been awhile. I had a 25.00 gift certificate.
That weather was really scary for awhile.
Thanks for commenting. I wish I understood more.............kind of like the meaning of life.
g (no I don't drink. I like my sig and no one has tried to answer it yet, or I think I should put the thing where I do not drink on my sig, I sure act like it, IMO.)
I can't really pinpoint why the B&W ones don't work, I quite like the first one though.
my stuff is here.....
Very nice capture, Ginger...and so appropriate to the challenge theme!
But if it was mine, I'd crop some of the top down to minimize the white sky...
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
It is alright that it doesn't show up, but I want you all to know that I am aware of it.
Lynn, you are up early.
Thank you all for commenting,
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
But, ANGELO, how would I get an umbrella in that shot???? It was a once in a lifetime shot, not staged. No one would have been out there in that weather voluntarily, just so I, I, I, the "not good enough" photographer could photograph that scene. Sorry, just over reacting as usual.
(But I'll get you, when are you putting your photo up?)
Sid, I reworked that photo til I realized that what Johnno said was correct. My photos either work, or they don't.
If you would please show me, rework my shot, if someone wants to go to that work, I will even make the original available.
Because when I rework a shot, I distroy it, unless it has it in the first place, it is a goner. So I either enter it or I don't. It kind of comes down to that. Remember the kid in the park with the pigeons, I so hate that photo now.
And I could probably do the skin now, but the photo never got entered, I had enough versions done to complete the job I have done on my hard drive, in general.
I really worked, reworked, that and the third shot, of the guy, until dawn. That was hours on that photo.
JOHNO, please, I need to ask you what you meant, I think you have something there, but I need to understand it.
The rest of you, I was terrified that I had to drive across town. The traffic was backed way up, as the storm was starting, not ending. In fact, it was like the world was ending.
There was no light on the scene, it was a very dark scene.
It is getting lighter and lighter as I rework it, that makes the man more totally lost it's original message about the weather at that time.
I am thinking that Virginia is "right on", to show the scene, use the second one, but it "probably won't make the finals, or it is dicey". Well, I never make the finals anyway, not anymore. I end up hating myself every time I enter this thing. I mean for awhile I had an emotional grip, I lost it when I really did try on one of the finals, got what I thought was a great photo, and I still couldn't make the finals. So, last time, I just went with the flow, thought I had a grip, well I don't. alot here in dgrin is falling apart for me right now, not that that is important. the thing is that I don't have a "home" here right now, a safe area, if that makes any sense, so I am basically a basket case help up with duct tape.
That is a rant, I guess. I did ask for critiques, this is helping me get an idea of who I am, more than which photograph. Because it was a photograph of a very dark happening. One either likes it or one doesn't.
I have been helped in the past. I can't go back and reset the EC, but it if I did, just think, it would not have shown the weather as I saw it. I did not set anything. I did not know what the settings were on. If I did not take my camera everywhere, it would not have been with me. And on the front seat, with the wide...........well, that was a gift from god. I just shot one, two, looked, saw that there was an image, and I went with that idea.
I did not have time to stop, I was late for a doctor's appt with thunder, lightening, and pouring rain. My hearing aids were so wet with the run from my front door to the car, a short run, that they were not functioning. My doctor mentioned the thunder, re my dogs. I had to ask him if it was thundering. But the visuals, well.
That is my weather report for yesterday...............very dark, until night when it got lighter.
Please contact me, Johno, I am going to haunt you, because I know you are onto something. But I don't want to put an interpretation on it that is more than you meant.
Just as an interesting tidbit, has anyone read the bestseller non fiction book "The World Is Flat"? If not, take a gander, interesting. Just what I have been thinking, but he got the words right and with more facts.
I could get a pulitzer in writing rants today, I guess. Tired, I guess. I just try so hard.
I didn't even know what the ISO was on. I was so scared, I knew I was shooting blind, heck, I was driving blind, but I did not even remember I had an ISO or EC, I checked the ISO when I arrived 15 minutes late at the doctor's. It was on 200. I still didn't know if I had anything. Hoped to get a peek, so I took my camera with me, but the good doc was ready and waiting.
Would you all like to see a photo of my doctor, and his very OLD border collie (dog)? I photograph everything, but I didn't change my ISO or WB for that, either, no time, no opportunity, etc.
I think (hope) I have a decent idea for #39 because as you know I came up with zilch for #38!!!
Funny you mention "The World is Flat"... I just saw it at Borders yesterday and made a mental note to order it.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Don't worry. I'll be back.
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
I love the picture of the newscart through the rain splattered wind shield on your car. It gives you the true feeling of a South Carolina rain storm. There is nothing like it and you captured that feeling.
How hard it rains in SC, is the stuff of legends in our family. We were staying in Hilton Head, and a spring storm came up. It seemed like within three minutes the skies went dark and litterally opened up. It Poured! The streets were filled and flooding, almost before we had time to react. Our wind shield wipers stood no chance against that rain. Funny, that is still a great memory from a great vacation. Thank you for sharing.
As far as what to do different, I will leave those comments to someone who has photoshop. Your photo is a winner, because it captured the feeling of being all alone, being so cut off from people, even though life is going on right in front of you. Once again - Thank you for sharing.
Oh, the weather today, May 17, 2005: Godaweful wet!
I wasn't going to do this until I recovered my sanity, but I had to go to the doctor's today, I ran into weather that begged to be reported. I grabbed my camera in the front seat of my car and shot through the windshield.
It POURED, just poured rain. This was 1:30 in the afternoon.
Mt Pleasant, South Carolina[/QUOTE]
Thank you, Gayle, what a wonderful memory for you to tell me! That really is South Carolina.
I had had no fear of storms until moving to Charleston, where I made alot of trips up past Columbia to the part of the state near Charlotte. To me, if SC personifies rain, nothing personifies the terror of a thunderstorm while alone in a car, more than Columbia. If it is going to rain, usually, it is raining on Columbia, at least if I am driving past it. One of those storms, we all pulled over, no seeing at all. Without making it longer, I have been terrified of storms ever since. Wind, it was the wind, the howling, the rain, not being able to see, praying the person ahead will turn on their lights, so you have some idea that you are still on the road, and this was before it was law.
I wanted so bad to just get out of the car, run to the car in front of me, pound on the door/window, so I would not have to sit there alone anymore..........trying to figure out if I was safer from probable tornadoes with the windows open a bit, or closed. Now I know it is the ditch I am to head for, would I have been in the ditch yesterday? Too cold and wet, not cold, but wet makes cold.
That trip past Columbia was in the early '80s. I have never been the same. The terror of being in that car, by myself, it surpassed the danger of being in north charleston through hurricane Hugo, in which we lost our island home.
Yesterday was the first time since the 80s that I have driven in a storm. Had to. No, I did not check the camera settings. I was a fool to be using it, but you understand that! Gosh, I did not know, I thought maybe it was "old age" setting into me in my mid 40s and chasing me into my 60s.
Thanks, Gayle
I have worked through my rants, am just tired now. I think terror in a storm does something to you. In addition to the fatigue of being up all night.
I know which of those photos I would use, I figured it out before I got off the PC and back on, about an hour, or more, ago. Yes, it would be the middle one.
It was a nice day today. The forecast was the same both days.
I love where I live. And the south is the place where stories are born and told. Natives are born telling stories, this place spawns writers....... It is a great place to learn to tell stories, but sometimes a story, well, I guess mine became a picture. And yours is a wonderful shared story. Ain't this place like no other!!
ginger (thank you,
No, I think you are very correct, that is why I have not communicated further. I think you picked the correct photo, for me, the contest cannot be guessed at. So my only option is to pick for me. It is my story, so to show the heavy rain, and it was really heavier, that was after wipers, but to show that is better than showing the man. This is my weather, more than his, he is just a bit player. The best accent possible. I knew you were correct in my mind. NOt that you chose the photo for me, or told me what to do, only I could do that, but you were the only one who mentioned the second photo.....
So, I thought about it, the subject of the challenge, etc.
And I never thought you told me that that photo would not get picked for the finals. I probably phrased that wrong, and I don't really know how to phrase it. I am as bad, or worse, than you at guessing which of my photos to put up. The times I have felt the best, when I did not win, I put up photos that I loved. The times I won, well............I had no idea taking the picture, or anything else. They are not my favorites, neither are they photos I am not proud of. I guess I am like a mother who lived in a shoe with so many children, she could not be objective..................she loved them all. That is how I feel about my photos, so I cannot pick mine, or yours, or anyone's, not with the goal of winning.
I appreciate everything you had to "say" to me, and I note also that you noticed and appreciated that "under water" photo of a part of Charleston that is soon to be changed forever. I am proud of that photo, too. All of them.
And I appreciate everything you said, and I agree...........
To the rest, I apologise for the rant (s) today, and other days. I work through problems that way. I am trying to not react so openly. I am sorry if I offended, or more likely, bored, anyone.
It is information, so the time would need to be right for you to convey it.
take your time. I know which one I want to enter. I still would like to know a bit more of your thoughts on the subject. So many hours have gone into my overworking a photo, this is an important subject to me.
In general. For others, the subject of over working a photo, well that very act is a pleasant challenge.
It has never gone well for me. Even if picked for the finals, I no longer like the photo as much as I like my "easier offspring", so to speak.
In good time,
The first shots are my favorites too...I particularly like #3 of the guy with the cart. I think if you crop it a touch you might remove part of the white sky and the curb. That's a great subject to photograph. He's unique!!
BTW...could you send us some rain?
Photographer and Mom of Four!
OK... Let me start by saying I love most of your pics. If your name is up in "New Post" I try to hit it first along with others favorites I have here at DG.
Sometimes I comment and sometimes I don't. I don't want to just post, "cool shot" and be on my way anymore. I hope that what I say can give a perspective from a non-professional view which can be helpful, since 90%+ of the people who view your pics and mine are not pros.
Let me also say, that you and I have not sat down and had a cup of coffee and shared life stories. (Maybe someday) Our friendship has been through computers, images of birds and children over the past 5 months. So I may not have a complete perspective here and I only want to clarify what "I" have seen in your work since I signed up with DG in January.
When I first signed up here at DG the name ginger_55 was everywhere. I even went to past challenge winners and saw ginger_55 had won more that once. I knew what names to watch and learn from.
As I have only seen your photography evolution for 5 months, one thing I have seen is you take a great shot and sometimes try to make "more" of the pic based on others suggestions. Several images return to please others and the original capture is no longer the shot you took. I can understand crops and slight color shifts, etc. But if you spend hours in PS on a shot to make it better or something else for someone else, then it's not your shot.
Let me give a rough example. Challenge #? Emotion. Remember the little girl in trouble for standing on the chair? I LOVE that shot. But, and I think this is a big but, you tried so hard to take the focus off the adult due to other suggestions and you ended up not even using the shot. The deal is the adult added to the emotion.
I can imagine not liking the picture if I had to work on it that long. I can't remember how many post you added with altered states of that pic. I think you "over did it" on that one and ended up not even using it.
"One shoe" was a good shot. (Not used in the challenge) I don't think you overworked that one, but the one you entered I think you did spend extra time trying to find a way to make "One" out of the little girl in the center. It wasn't a bad shot. I think, and again maybe it's just me, it was a photo that was trying to be something it was not.
Again, I love your shots. The one for challenge 31, candle, fire... Bill through the window. At first I didn't like it. However, as I thought about it and looked at it more, it grew on me. I really like it. For me, it's like hearing a song for the first time and it not clicking. Only until you hear the words and catch the mood do you understand and enjoy that song. Did you use that shot for the challenge? I can't remember.
For me I just enjoy your first shots better than the one's that follow for challenges.
I hope I have made sense. Maybe not.
Picasso said, "Good taste is the enemy of creativity." Be creative. Most of us don't have good taste so be true to your pics. You know.
I would say, if you have to spend 4 hours on a pic in PS, then it's not a good pic. But, make sure you are not trying to make a picture something it is not. It either is or it isn't.
Most of the time I open my browser to DG, I see Bill's face, or half of Bill's face. I know who took that shot. I am glad to have it there. I think to myself, maybe someday I can... well that's another post. What I am saying is there are many who are looking and learning from what you do. I am learning from you.
I will never begin to try to understand how challenge photos are picked. The "One" I entered, I didn't think had a chance to be picked in the top 10. I thought there were several others that better hit the "One" mark than mine. Just lucky, or someone hit the wrong button.
If I have not answered well or if you have more comments and or questions let me know. Remember, I am a "nice person" you said it not me.
I really don't know if I like being a nice person. I want to be WILD at heart. I think that is still nice.
PS this is the shot I like
just me.
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
Great shots!! I love the first set, epecially the one that Johnno put in his post.
I looking at the cart through the windshield!
He has his foot dangling, a smile on his face, the sun must have warmed his cockles (the core of his being). We know the sun is shining here, don't we.
A nice spring day!
Your gator takes the cake, Ginger! And I think he'd also make a great entry in the "Today's Weather Report" challenge... Well done! ~Nee
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
A frigid,
Yes, I dream of smilin gator weather. As far as I know, that is my entry.
May all of our weather be smilin gator weather.
About to turn the heat on, so I can take a shower.
I live from one weather to the next, we, I, leave the door open to the outside, for the dogs and the small view.
Earlier it was predicted by the "biker" weather girl.
A gorgeous day! as predicted. now tired.
night all,