pls can you help
what is going wrong
I have tryed for 3 days now to up load photos useing IE and FF but ever time i click on the easy uploader dag and drop the application crashes.
also i get the log in screen i log in and then it shows me that i have not
any suggestions
what is going wrong
I have tryed for 3 days now to up load photos useing IE and FF but ever time i click on the easy uploader dag and drop the application crashes.
also i get the log in screen i log in and then it shows me that i have not
any suggestions
Architectural and Interior Photography
I'm sorry to hear you are having problems uploading your photos!
We have found that updating your current installation of java will typically resolve this issue.
Follow these steps to make sure your java is up to date for a PC:
1) Go to
2) Click on "Do I have Java?" and wait for the test to run.
3) Follow the steps to get the latest version of Java if you need it.
Please let us know if you continue to have problems.
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