Question about Exif display

ashishpandeyashishpandey Registered Users Posts: 100 Big grins
edited January 9, 2009 in SmugMug Support
Lets consider the following exif from my site:

Few questions:
Focal Length 70mm (guess: 816mm in 35mm)
On what basis is the guess made? Given that the camera model is already in the EXIF, it is quite bizzare to use a 11.66 conversion factor on a 1.6x DSLR

To link to this information, copy the url below:

This is simply the URL of my homepage, not for the exif information. Shouldn't the url have been ?

Either I don't understand the above, or these are some errors in current implementation. Or worse, it just doesnt work for me specifically

What is it :)
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above :D)


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