
Finishing/processing help for this DSS 16 image

divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
edited January 7, 2009 in Finishing School
C&C absolutely welcomed! I'm just wondering what y'all see that i can do to further refine this image, particularly as far as converting it.

It was a chance shot taken as I was testing out the lens I'd bought minutes before (a used Tamron 17-50) - the cat was lying in the sun and the light was so pretty I just started snapping on the grounds it would be interesting to see how the lens performed "out of the box". The good thing is I'm very happy with the lens; the bad thing is that these were only jpgs to start with :rolleyes

Thanks for any assistance!

Here's what I've done to it so far (a mixture of the "antique light" preset in LR2, plus a lot of playing with the individual colour sliders to try and minimise the brightly coloured background, plus dodging and burning to further minimise shadows and bring out the eyes)


and here's the original colour shot


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    billtaichibilltaichi Registered Users Posts: 75 Big grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    I definitely like the antique light effect on this picture, it has more impact than the color version imho.

    Sometimes I will do a high level of sharpening on just the eyes and it can make them really stand out. Not sure if that would help here or not but you might want to check it out.

    But really the processing on this is very good , I think the tone set by the light is perfect. clap.gif
    Remember wherever you go, there you are.
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited January 7, 2009
    billtaichi wrote:
    I definitely like the antique light effect on this picture, it has more impact than the color version imho.

    Sometimes I will do a high level of sharpening on just the eyes and it can make them really stand out. Not sure if that would help here or not but you might want to check it out.

    But really the processing on this is very good , I think the tone set by the light is perfect. clap.gif

    Wow - thanks!

    I played around with sharpening the eyes even more but in the end, I think it didn't make that much difference. One thing I learned about while working on this image was using the high pass filter for sharpening - never knew about that until now!

    Thanks for the kind words. And anybody else, please feel free to comment - I just want to LEARN :)
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