staring at challenge 16....

for a week now...this is what I have. I am getting blurried eyed. Let me know the flaws PLEASE! 5 photographs were used in the making of this image.
Ok...last play of it...tried some changes mentioned here but I am still likeing the second one posted here. What do you think?

Ok...last play of it...tried some changes mentioned here but I am still likeing the second one posted here. What do you think?


Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Maybe everyone is still numb from Christmas haha. I know I am.
I'm still stumped with my entry too. I'm still not sure whether to enter. The standard of work on here is amazing.
And what you have created here is incredible.
I dunno, maybe lower the opacity of the little girl and increase the opacity of her spirit.
Bare in mind it's just a suggestion. I still like it as it is.
I saw it last night but it was too late in this timezone to write coherently....
I think it's pretty cool, actually, and I like the version you have up there now more than the original - more contrast, more colour and it's easier to see (on my monitor) exactly what's going on.
The only thing which still confuses me visually is what i now see is the side of a person in the monitor - initially it just looked like an abstract (particularly at the bottom - is it sort of a medieval tunic, or skirt?) with an arm coming out of the monitor. Can the figure/body be even clearer still?
I know not everybody in here likes composites, but I think when they're well done like this they're very cool!
The arm is not necessarily from the pirate...but almost like a metaphore for any game that snatches our childrens lives away because thats all they want to do.
Diva...not sure if you are talking about the pirate over on the right bottom of the screen? Or the distortion I did to make it look liquid?
Gahh.... it's a FACE! I didn't even realise that until you described it above - yes, the guy in the bottom r of the monitor (I thought it was a tunic or something). Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think the message is crystal clear ... and one worth saying over and over!! Do you have a title for it yet?
Yes I call it "Soul Snatcher".
The arm is not from the pirate itself but a metaphor for our childrens souls being snatched by these games that they play.
The expression on the little girl's face is priceless.
The "spirit" part of the little girl bugs me, though. It would be nice if you can get her a bit whiter/brighter and also give her a slight glow. Also, since she's being sucked out of her body, some motion blur would also look really cool.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
If it were me, I would play with Little One's Skin tones some more and get some more orange/ yellows in there. Also, I would make the arm match the color of the screen somehow. Maybe that color of blue that the water behind the pirate on the screen is? Right now it is so disconnected from the tv, it doesn't look like anything but a masked in black and white arm. It should look like a part of the TV coming after her. Try the smudge tool on the end of the arm closest to the TV and swirl it in? I am full of ideas, so just throw out what you want of course.
I would put a horror/survival game on the monitor and call it,"That's what you get." Good luck. ;-)
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
As for the game she is playing. Seeing that she is young...this particular game was the roughest one she owns....its called pirates and is on her wii she got for Christmas. Had I tried to conjole my older grown up children to pose for me...I would have used one of their games which is far too graphic for such young eyes. But the soul snatching can start here.....I am wondering if I made the correct choice in getting her a wii. I am setting strict limits...but my older kids have been lost already to this horrible curse of the game world!
I do appreciate your comments and I will post the color changes I made.
Great concept though.
I still have zero ideas at all.
Ha ha... we got one of those LAST Christmas. But we mostly use it as a family for game night. Yeah, you got it- I am the duck shooting champion!
Great job setting limits and keeping things under control! You are such a good mom, Joyce. * Erie voice*: "Aaavoiiiid the braaaiiin suuuucking gaaaame." Hey- that could be your title...(joke)
Oh and back to the photo. I like your new edit a lot. One thing that bothers me is the lightning is the same in all the strands. Could you find some different ones or warp them or something? It looks a bit fakey otherwise.
hahaha! you crack me up Heather!
I have been out today so havent had time to play with this more. I will after I finish getting lunch done. Lots of good suggestions giving me some ideas on what to try. I really want this to pop and go wow! Thanks everyone!
I made another layer (there is a total of 15 now,) of the soul and did a gassian blur and lightened, plus changed the color of it...then put it behind the original soul to give just enough detail to know that its the soul of this girl. I darkened and cleaned up the base of the monitor stand.
So with this I thank those who have given me some great ideas. The moderators gotta love me for changing my mind again!
I really like this most recent edit, Joyce - definitely been worth pressing on with it I think!
I know it is late, but GREAT creativity here!! I like 1 but without the lightining bolts.