Rants for Free

I am ranting alot. Please, you all, keep commenting on my photos.
I may leave, or go to sleep. It is the egrets, or the sheep.......
As the subject heading implies, I am on a rant roll, if anyone wants one, I will do them for free. I guess I need to get this stuff out of my system.
Sorry, don't want to wound anyone. I should get better..........soon. I am waiting on that, too.
I may leave, or go to sleep. It is the egrets, or the sheep.......
As the subject heading implies, I am on a rant roll, if anyone wants one, I will do them for free. I guess I need to get this stuff out of my system.
Sorry, don't want to wound anyone. I should get better..........soon. I am waiting on that, too.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.