Photobooth Fun
Taken as part of my daily photo project today, partly because heatherfeather's post made me so envious.
Took forever to do, but I had fun doing it. Even learned a few things in the process, which is always a bonus. :nod
Thanks for stopping by! :thumb
Took forever to do, but I had fun doing it. Even learned a few things in the process, which is always a bonus. :nod
Thanks for stopping by! :thumb
Seriously, beautiful shots (love the B&W conversion) of a very attractive young lady!
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Thank you, Scott. Flatterer.
You know what I think it is? Every woman is aware of "her good side" for photographs (whether consciously or no), but I think female photographers hone in on their good angles as well. We know how to use that camera in ways most advantageous to our features.
1. The real you- I bet we'd be friends IRL! Love it! You look sweet.
2. Too fun! You look so cute and gangsta. Maybe not gangsta. My DH always says that I look so emo when I wear my beyond long braids. I just think you look darling!
3. Out on the town... beautiful! I can just imagine your bright red lipstick.
4. Watch out for the knives that you are sneaking out of your fan... Do you ever wear your eye makeup like that for real? I am not even half brave enough to do that.
So where is the gallery for your DPP?
I took a couple of hours a week or so ago and went through Andi's SP project. It looked like a blast....And I decided I just couldn't do every day. So I decided to do the busy mom version- once a week. Much more doable for me. I am having fun with it.
And you started a weekly project? Share, share! Mine's linked in my siggie, the Word of the Day project.
Geez. I either need to find better angles for my own shots, or consider myself the exception that proves the rule.... :D:D
These are SO much fun (actually, all of your SPs are fun - I love the ones I've seen!)
The filmstrip idea's very cute, too!
Oh, and you linking to your Photo a Day project over on Challenges inspired me to start my own - most of them are "studies" and/or just random stuff, but it's still really fun and continuing the learning process y'all have (gratitude gratitudebow) pushed into high gear for me!!! thumb
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
If anyone hasn't checked out Kerry's Word of the Day Photo Project, you are seriously missing out! Amazing collection of photos!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
My daily project is nearing its end (I began it on my birthday, which is all too near), and I haven't decided what I'm going to do. On one hand, it will be a relief to have it finished. On the other, I'm going to miss that extra motivation to shoot something, anything, as long as I shoot that day. Plus, I love the daily community.
Ah well, we'll see what's in store after Jan. 27.
And Trevlan, by all means use the idea. I lay no claim to it. Andy Warhol got there way before me anyhow.
Oh my! you gals are in for the biggest phase shift if ever you get to know any styles of males other than the WAS style (whatever the flavor of the practitioner).
I have to disabuse you of your fantasies by telling you a truth, that all men are not tucked in the tidy mirrorless corner you gals think you have left them in while you tend your own narcissism.
In my some-amount of global observations, I can assure you that more men than women are likely to have in mind putting their best side camerawards, whether or not an actual camera is confronting them.
Chill, gals, you don't own that territory. The best photographers of women have been men, historically. And do you know why? Because they have looked long and long in the mirror and know very well how to find the best side. Dlust
Many a true stereotype is said in jest. I just didn't want you gals to be getting too deep into a folie a plusieurs. lust
Me, I'm as chill as ice...