Canon 35mm f2

Does anyone have any experience with the Canon 35mm f2? Particularly interested in experiences on a full frame body. I've heard some people say they really like the focal length (35mm) on a full frame body. How does it compare to the 35L 1.4?
You might be able to find something on the Fred Miranda site on how that lens functions on a full frame camera and compares to a 35 L 1.4.
One thing that seemed consistent about this lens in the reviews I'd read was that the pictures come a bit pale in terms of saturation, so you may need to do some tweaking in Photoshop to get the effect you want.
- Steve
Here's a comparison tool using crops from both lenses at apertures f1.4 to f16 shot on a 1dsIII. This site's reviews are also a reliable source of info
To save you some reading, he considers the 35 f2 a good budget option for a 1.6x sensor, but due to corner softness doesn't reccomend it for full frame.