#16 - First challenge, indecisive...

Here are my six candidates, any comments and feedback would be appreciated!
The theme for this challenge is general enough where I could just take some of my favorite photos from the last two weeks, but that also makes it harder to pick one.
These have been posted previously to the Landscapes and Wildlife forums.
#1, Snoqualmie Falls at flood stage (taken yesterday, you may have heard about the recent/continuing floods in Washington State). This is probably the one I'm favoring right now.

#2, Sunrise on the Skagit River (went there for eagles, came away with this landscape):

#3, New Year's Eve fireworks at the Space Needle in Seattle, WA:

#4, Eagle flying low over snow field:

#5, Eagle flying through the snow over the Skagit River:

#6, Husband and Wife (for now, they say eagles are monogamous, but I think this particular relationship is in trouble...)
The theme for this challenge is general enough where I could just take some of my favorite photos from the last two weeks, but that also makes it harder to pick one.
These have been posted previously to the Landscapes and Wildlife forums.
#1, Snoqualmie Falls at flood stage (taken yesterday, you may have heard about the recent/continuing floods in Washington State). This is probably the one I'm favoring right now.

#2, Sunrise on the Skagit River (went there for eagles, came away with this landscape):

#3, New Year's Eve fireworks at the Space Needle in Seattle, WA:

#4, Eagle flying low over snow field:

#5, Eagle flying through the snow over the Skagit River:

#6, Husband and Wife (for now, they say eagles are monogamous, but I think this particular relationship is in trouble...)

anyway, i favor #4 & #5 of your series.....
Prefer #5 for its lighting and feel of motion.
#2 mood is fine too with the dead tree in the river.
You won't go wrong with any of them, though my favorites are 2, 3, & 4.
They're all crackers, but I am seriously loving #1, and it's quite different from anything else currently entered....
Beautiful pictures!
we got another contender =c)
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Favorite is #1 - also really like 2, 4 and 5.
Fillmore, California USA
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I would enter those into the Nat'l Geo Your Shot Contest, especially 6 !!
Here are the "poll" results thus far:
1: 2 votes
2: 7 votes
3: 1 vote
4: 4 votes
5: 5 votes
6: 2 votes
There's a good variety of animals and landscapes already, so that's a toss-up (otherwise I would go with the less represented option to reflect the wide world of dgrin.).
I think I'll go with #2, in addition to being the favorite, it's probably the best in terms of sharpness and noise (#1 has some obvious noise). I really like the eagle shots but the IQ isn't quite as good (though these are definitely the best eagle shots I've taken).
Hard to choose!
Again, I appreciate the feedback
Some background on #2: I went out shooting for eagles but arrived early enough for the sunrise and a potential landscape opportunity. I didn't have my favorite landscape lens (24-105) as a friend was borrowing it, I only had a 16-35. Of course, when I got there I really missed the 24-105 and couldn't take the shot I wanted with the 16-35 because of branches, etc. So what I had to do for #2 was crop from a vertical shot to a horizontal shot (major croppage here!) and still had to clone out a branch or two.
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Heh, well, I lucked out on this challenge because:
1) I actually saw it when there was more than 3 days left remaining
2) I could choose any photo I had taken in the last two weeks.
It's difficult for me to find photos that fit within a theme without explicitly taking photos with that theme in mind, this challenge didn't have that constraint (which is a useful constraint to have most of the time, as it forces you to come up with new things and be creative).
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As long as it's completely overcast, raining, and all the roads and trails are blocked by floods or snow, I don't think you have anything to worry about
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