I'd say it's...
...definitely a swallow of some sort. Not sure if it's a tree swallow, but other than the coloring it looks just like the swallows that nest under the aquaduct bridges in our area (shape of head, beak, wings, etc.). ~Nee
The thing that has the local birders confused is how blue it is. This is true in both diffuse and direct light. I didn't get a shot of Mrs., but she often sits right next to him and isn't nearly so blue.
Here's a pic of a barn swallow (not my pic)
Looks a lot like your bird, except for the forehead, throat and breast color. The black on this swallow has that same bluish purplish sheen, if that helps you with the I.D. ~Nee
Yes its a tree swallow
And the one posted previous to my post is a barn swallow. THe male tree swallows blue can vary from very dark to medium, depending how the light hits it, and the female is more brown, with a little bit of blue irredescence.
The Barn swallow has duller and less blue mixed with a rusty brown. See below (the last photo is a 100% pixel level crop).
...definitely a swallow of some sort. Not sure if it's a tree swallow, but other than the coloring it looks just like the swallows that nest under the aquaduct bridges in our area (shape of head, beak, wings, etc.). ~Nee
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Maybe I am tireder than I thought. Or it is
Sorry about the emoticon, I forgot.
This very strongly resembles the pictures of the tree swallow in image 356 in the Nat Audobon Soc FieldGuide to North American Birds - Eastern region.
Glad to see you about, John. Did you see any of my bird images from my road trip out west to Yosemite?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Looks a lot like your bird, except for the forehead, throat and breast color. The black on this swallow has that same bluish purplish sheen, if that helps you with the I.D. ~Nee
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
And the one posted previous to my post is a barn swallow. THe male tree swallows blue can vary from very dark to medium, depending how the light hits it, and the female is more brown, with a little bit of blue irredescence.
The Barn swallow has duller and less blue mixed with a rusty brown. See below (the last photo is a 100% pixel level crop).
- Gene
Male tree swallow:
Female tree swallow:
Barn swallow:
Walk softly and carry a big lens!