ST-E2 AF assist lamp
Trying to RTFM, but not succeeding. I want to simply use my ST-E2 to provide AF assistance (that red beam) but I'm not getting it to fire it. Is there a certain mode it likes to work under? Does it not work in certain modes?
I found the manual to be rather empty.
Im not sure about your problem, but just in case....
Maybe...make sure the focus assist beam option is turned on in your camera's menu. Short of that....I dunno....mine works when it is REALLY dark....and works well!
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I have never made any specific settings to turn on autofocus assist.
I do not shoot in any of the Green modes - I only use my camera in Av, Tv or Manual.
Try focusing in a daaaaark room , and see if the beam genie doesn't appear.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Im in the same boat....and agree....
I notice the beam in cave like darkness, but in a normally lit interior doesn't light up.
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
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...wait... oh what a berk. I had AI Servo on.
I'm ashamed of all the electrons I wasted.