What is your referral program?

I know that one of the best ways I can build my business is by referrals. I've checked out several photographers' programs (thank you, Google), but I'm curious what you guys are doing. I'd like to get something started as all of my clients so far are completely by word of mouth and I want to encourage it.
Since I deal with people I know most of the time, I send a nice gift certificate to their favorite dinner spot, or tickets to the dinner theatre.
I'm leaning towards the cash avenue. One of my clients was referred to me by her cousin, who is a couple states away. Free portraits or anything along those lines probably wouldn't help much. But cash would likely be welcomed by anyone.
Most businesses have forgotten how to take care of their customers. If you do that, you will find the word of mouth spreads pretty quickly.
But I've found 'refferals' you need to buy (with cash, tickets, etc) are less strong than just straight word-of-mouth.
Here is a wedding website I created for a customer as a value-add. Comments appreciated.
Founding member of The Professional Photography Forum as well.
I have some clients that are always sending me new work, and by giving something back to them it tells them how much you appreciate their effort.