DQ'ed from DSS16...
Well, now that I run the galleries, and Emily gets to be your artistic and judging director, I basically get to be the bad guy every week now.
The disqualified photos from this current round are here:
I hated to do it, but I had to. Rules are rules, and I can't overlook them even if they are great photos and/or from regular posters in these challenges. So to recap, learning from our mistakes is the key:
- There were 2 entries that had no URL in the caption. That was a special rule for this challenge, yes, but it was made clear (56 people got it right, sorry).
- there was 1 entry with no dgrinner username (yes, I know if I click on the URL it would be obvious, but again, rules are rules and I will get criticized just as much for "bending" them)
- and, my "favorite" (ugh), there was one entry with stripped exif (it kills me, it really does, but I have to just be objective and go by the letter).
That is all, moving on to DSS17.
The disqualified photos from this current round are here:
I hated to do it, but I had to. Rules are rules, and I can't overlook them even if they are great photos and/or from regular posters in these challenges. So to recap, learning from our mistakes is the key:
- There were 2 entries that had no URL in the caption. That was a special rule for this challenge, yes, but it was made clear (56 people got it right, sorry).
- there was 1 entry with no dgrinner username (yes, I know if I click on the URL it would be obvious, but again, rules are rules and I will get criticized just as much for "bending" them)
- and, my "favorite" (ugh), there was one entry with stripped exif (it kills me, it really does, but I have to just be objective and go by the letter).
That is all, moving on to DSS17.
Since 2004...
s'all good, remember, it's just a photo contest, we're having fun, right?
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
Looks like, no matter how experienced you are with the challenges, it is a good idea to ask someone to double check the technical side of your entry.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
im surprised you didnt get DQ'ed,
user Id - "Title"
i'zz think you got lucky
but a beautiful portrait nonetheless:D
Guess there were 2 sets of rules that I didn't catch on to for this one.
Now that I know that it's been DQed, please delete it from that gallery. Thanks.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
we can stop worrying about all the petty exif, title, and username (well, maybe not username, we do need to know who took the photo
When DSS started, the whole idea was to be more relaxed about photo contests, after all the hype with LPS. Well, it started that way, and very quickly after we re-introduced the Mega challenges (and the stakes went up), there was grumbling when things weren't perfectly consistent and to a T.
You can't have your cake and eat it too, is what I'm saying.
Whew I've been needing to get that off my chest for a while!
There's Cake. I want Cake!!!
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
DoctorIt, i didnt state the dq comment to sound uptight about anything toward rules and such... it was just an observation.
but let me say if exif is given up, i would have to guess things would go to pot.... i think you have a good thing going, why change?.
people should expect to get DQ'ed if they dont follow whats required...
I'll have to check this more carefully next time
Well I see pretty nice shots in this gallery too
Speaking from experience ... it's quite fun! She gives good or better than she gets
The cake is a lie...the cake does not exist.
Seriously, I hate DQs. So, we either have no rules and a free for all with no prizes, or rules (and required reading) and the chance of DQs. I refuse to stick to blah themes and no special requirements. As long as I'm driving themes, I'm gonna mix it up, get you out of your comfort zone and make it challenging. So, read, then reread, and if you need to, read it again. And you can always ask questions!
:saurora :sweet :stud :feelgood
Are ya feeling the love yet?
I don't think I ever harassed anyone, but I could start.:D
No complaints about the DQ, like I said, I hadn't entered since the change to a gallery, so I didn't know
if a size was still involved. Doc did say in his comment about there being no size limit.
I did re-read the main rules, but I didn't read the rules for this specific challenge.
(although I must have at one time because I did start a thread with these shots in it)
If you thought I was harassing you because I asked for my shot to be deleted, that was merely a
request to remove a DQed shot from here. It's not eligible, why show it?
I have enough of my photos spread out on the net in different places, I'd like to have some control over them.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Now that I know that it's been DQed, please delete it from that gallery. Thanks.
I was really bummed to see this one DQ'd Dave, it is such a great image, had I been paying more attention to the details, I certainly would have pm'd you to make sure you included the specifics for this challenge. Again... really, really nice image!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Thanks Karin.
The DQ was nobodies fault but my own.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I was referring to the whinging that happened quite some time ago when Emily was actually lenient on some entries and let them go through. Since then, we've decided to be to the letter of the law.
Right, as for photo removal - I deleted the DQ galleries, so disregard the link in the first post.
me too Dave if i would have known prior
GERMAN CHOCOLATE all the way, um maybe I should go make some. Like I said you live you learn.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
Me too! I'm surprised anyone understood that one