She danced...on Sunday.
I haven't quite finished this set...but, started two of them last night...once I got home from the shoot. A professional dancer (choreographer) who wanted some shots to incorporate her dance moves into modelling. If they don't fit here, please move as seen fit. Thanks, Manish.



My Page.
My Name: Manish.
My Name: Manish.
I really love the second one - it's got a great pose, great depth, and spot-on lighting. Lovely. However, why the 2 shirts? Cold studio
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
I thought they might fit better there...alas, they ended up here. I'll learn my way around, soon enough! Thanks for pointing it out.
It was about 45 degrees out, with a stiff wind. Even the parking garage we were in didn't really block much of it, if any...but, at least my lights weren't blowing all over the place, in the second shot (first location).
Then, we moved outside, and it was even colder, and was rainy, once she changed into the black outfit. So, I found another spot (which I knew of), and we moved there. By that time the wind had 'really' picked up, to the point where I had to tie the lightstand to one of the rails, just to keep it from going south, about 4 floors!
I appreciate your time to I learn through mistakes.
My Name: Manish.
Because They involve capturing an art from, with another~
totally cool!
caveat: photo ones background could be less distracting...don't like all the angles & iron in there~
cheers, tom
Thanks Tom. It started to rain, while we were here...
So, we moved to the location above. Here's one more from up there, and there's a color one of the one below, in her gallery on my page.
Appreciate the comments.
My Name: Manish.
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
Thanks, I appreciate the comments. Glad you liked it, as much as I did. Though, I still can't figure out if I like the color one, or this one, better. It's in her gallery, on my page...if you'd like to check it out.
My Name: Manish.