>DSS #16 (The Big Wide World of Dgrin) Feedback Thread

Ok guys, once again here's your chance to really provide constructive input for each other. The gallery is here: http://dgrin.smugmug.com/gallery/6945681_onzG8#447592565_tDXkX
Let your fellow photographers know how their image made you feel, what you love about t, what you might I have tried differently. It's from knowing how others view our work that we really learn. :thumb Don't be shy...speak your mind (just do it respectfully)!
Let your fellow photographers know how their image made you feel, what you love about t, what you might I have tried differently. It's from knowing how others view our work that we really learn. :thumb Don't be shy...speak your mind (just do it respectfully)!
Psalm 62:5-6
Wow! Awsome entries! I started by picking ones that I would proudly frame and hang on my wall. Unfortunately, this left me with 24 in my top 10 list. So to narrow it down I had to get nit-picky. Trust me, I had to get REAL nit-picky on some and felt bad for dropping someone's image because I would have cropped it a little differently or framed it slightly one way or the other.
I will make my comments on these and some of the others in the entry gallery as time permits. Good luck everyone!
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
And may I also say that, having just been through the judging process last round, I feel for Kevin and Paul - it's fun, but it's not easy! I think they've both given such great and detailed feedback, too - big thanks to you both for taking the time.
So many great images this round