
How did I do on this Flyer?

Capt Rick HiottCapt Rick Hiott Registered Users Posts: 22 Big grins
edited January 14, 2009 in Finishing School
I just did this for one of my clients.
He will be handing these out to advertise his web site.
How can I improve on these?

Capt Rick Hiott
Charleston, South Carolina.


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    aj986saj986s Registered Users Posts: 1,100 Major grins
    edited January 13, 2009
    I'm not a pro, but I do like to fish occasionally. I think the flyer looks nice. I like the photos and background pic. One thing I don't think I like is the 2 pictures in the first page that are chopped at the frame edge. IMHO, you have enough room available to keep the photos intact within the frame.
    Tony P.
    Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
    Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
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    SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited January 13, 2009
    I like the first one. One area I would address is you don't want anything closer than 1/8 of an inch to the edge. When printers print business cards, post cards, etc, they print several on a page, and then cut them out. The cutting process is never absolutely perfect, so you need a little tolerance. Also for the same reason a border around the edge is not a good idea.

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    Capt Rick HiottCapt Rick Hiott Registered Users Posts: 22 Big grins
    edited January 13, 2009
    I kinda liked it...It gets your attention.
    Looks like somebody just threw them on a table and said,,"Man, look at these fish",,ya know.

    Sorry Ill do better next time..................:ivar
    Capt Rick Hiott
    Charleston, South Carolina.
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    wildviperwildviper Registered Users Posts: 560 Major grins
    edited January 14, 2009
    I am sorry but I don't like it. It doesn't look professional to me.

    Here is something that I just did. I didn't spend much time, but you get the idea.

    One thing I have learnt is that you want to maintain a good look through your typefaces and choose something that is clear and you can use it when it is small or big. Here the font is Adobe Gills Sans.

    Please don't take it the wrong way...just trying to give you ideas.

    Also, note to vertically center align those logos rather then the way you had. Something to do when you have such logos is to put them in their " own boxes". You could just draw lines around it as if to separate them.

    I put the pictures on the right side cause most people are visual and with pictures on right side, their eyes will go there first and miss the "text". This way, their eyes will take them to left and start reading to right..like we normally do. Also, add some drop shadows to them to make it look 3d.

    You definitely need a headline as well...something to capture people to make them read more. I just made up one.

    Btw, I am not a ad designer. :)
    From Nikon D70s > Nikon D300s & D700
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