Can't post comments

A friend has asked me to critique, and post comments about her portfolio, but when I try to add a comment I receive this message:
"Whoops spam-foiling code didn't match"
What gives??
"Whoops spam-foiling code didn't match"
What gives??
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Link? Code?
Is that like a secret handshake?
Link (web address) to the gallery so that we can see which gallery you are talking about
Code: When you enter your comment, below the comment box, you will see something like "To foil spammers, enter this code" followed by an image and a box. You have to enter the text shown in the image into the box
This mechanism (called CAPTCHA) ensures that the comment is being put by a human rather than a spamming bot
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
The gallery is here:
It doesn't matter which month or photo I try to comment on.
Thanks for you help!!!!!!
I see the light! hallelujah, and God save the queen.
I searched for issues with making comments on photos and found this thread.
Here's my problem. The captcha image code isn't showing up at al. And when I click on "code unreadable" link, nothing happens there either.
here's a screenshot:
Thank you in advance for your wisdom and insight!
Gallery link?
Browser and platform (Mac, pc, etc?)
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howdy back!
I just spent time looking through my site and apparently the comment issue is on all of them so I picked this one randomly:
I use a PC, and when viewing in IE or FF, it both looks the same (i.e. the captcha image text before the box is missing)
er, is that enough?
Hey! I deleted all the custom CSS I had put in previously....oh ages ago and now it appears.
Wow do I feel sheepish. But, if it makes you feel any better, just talking to you apparently makes me smarter.