
Smugmug view - rare problem

tlphotostlphotos Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins
edited January 15, 2009 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I hope this is the right forum for this question -
When viewing a gallery in SmugMug view, sometimes when I (or a client) clicks on a picture thumbnail the larger view never appears. It happens very rarely and seems to correct itself - for instance, a client contacted me yesturday with this issue where she clicked on the thumbnail and the larger picture would not appear. A few hours later I get around to checking up on it and sure enough it does not work from my computer either. Later that evening however, I rechecked the gallery before reuploading the picture (I thought it may have had trouble from a mass upload) and the large picture was popping up fine.
As stated, this does not happen very often, but is there something I can do to keep it from happening at all. Is this a bandwith issue or just little "blips" in the system (system ranging from Smugmug to the end user's computer - with everything inbetween)?
My big question is whether or not I should do anything about it or do these things always fix themselves. Are there better browsers, gallery views, or whatever that allieviate this issue? Like I said, not a big issue, but does happen once in a while.


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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited January 15, 2009
    Hi! What browser, what gallery link (example link please?)?
    Are you behind a security firewall at work?
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    tlphotostlphotos Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins
    edited January 15, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    Hi! What browser, what gallery link (example link please?)?
    Are you behind a security firewall at work?

    Most of my clients, myself included, use some version of Internet Explorer. Here is a gallery from yesterday - http://www.tlphotos.com/gallery/6848087_68RSb#453204005_23QCi let me know if you need a password to get in. The 24th picture in was the one having an issue, but is working just fine now.

    A firewall could definitely be causing problems since I know many clients view the galleries at their work. I am not sure if yesterday's client was behind a firewall, but the firewall where I was let every other picture in the gallery through. It does seem odd, however, that 99% of the pictures do appear when the thumbnail is clicked - but I do see how firewalls can put a "monkey wrench" into the process. Up her in Microsoft land, there are bunch of people with various forms of firewalls protecting their home networks. That all being said, it does happen (still a rare occurance) on my home computer without any fancy protection.
    I would also assume virus scans can every once in a while cause a hiccup.
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    docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited January 15, 2009
    I took a look at the link you sent. It appears that you have deleted the actual photo that you are linking to. That will cause some slight difficulty getting to the gallery. Try using a link to a photo that has not been deleted and see if that helps.

    You mentioned sending the password. That is not needed. The SmugMug heros are admins and can see your photos without the password. We rarely have to ask for a password.

    If you still have trouble, please let us know.

    SmugMug Support Hero
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    tlphotostlphotos Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins
    edited January 15, 2009
    Sorry, I emailed the link to the gallery originally, here is the link to the picture (which, of course, is working fine now) http://www.tlphotos.com/gallery/6848087_68RSb#453489747_4QxQv

    Don't you love questions like these - like taking a car to a mechanic and saying that yesterday the car was making a funny noise, but it seems to be all better now, can you tell me what happened?
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    docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited January 15, 2009
    I am really not sure. I can see the photo fine from here as well. It might have been a temporary issue. If you see it again, please let us know.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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