I can't save my photos anymore

I am having some problems with trying to save a photo from my site. I am logged in and I no longer get the save option that pops up when you hold your mouse over the photo.
Have I disabled this at some point and just not know it??? Can anyone help me?
Have I disabled this at some point and just not know it??? Can anyone help me?
If you are logged in to your site, you should see an Owner Save option (even if originals are not enabled).
You didn't ask for site feedback, but I'm going to offer it anyway. Feel free to ignore, but... I highly recommend that you re-think you moving banner. I find the constant sliding of your name across the banner to be very distracting. It pulls my eyes away from your photos. In fact, I find it annoying enough that I would leave the site and not return.
I was also pretty much tuned off my your message "For this site to display correctly please use IE7 or newer." I am well aware that there can be problems with IE6. But what about Firefox? Or Safari. Again, you are limiting your users.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks for your response.
Let me just say that I am logged into the site, I'm in owner mode and as far as I know all the settings are the same when I was able to save the photos before. When I hold my mouse over the images nothing happens, I don't get the option to save, I don't have the red and green hands, I nothing slides in.
As far as site layout goes, I have changed the banner about 5-6 times. I'm just not happy with them however the one on there now I like the best. More than likely I will not like it in about 2 months from now. So when that time comes I'll change it.
As far as the IE sentence you may know if the site doesn't display correctly it is a an IE problem but there are a lot of people that don't. That is why it's on there. I can't even guess the number of times I have had people mention to me that the site links are messed up and I have to explain to them that the site is set up for Firefox.
Take no offense by the statement it's there for the people that don't know why the page isn't right.
Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
J o s e p h S a l m i
P h o t o g r a p h y
I agree with Denise, don't limit your viewers to IE7
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
yes sorry,
The gallery is under [ galleries > In the game mag > Chante Barber ] or just click the link below...
I am not limiting them to ie7 I'm just saying that they should be using at least ie7. Ie7 and up along with FF and all others browser display the site just fine. Anything lower than IE7 the links are off some but the site is still works.
J o s e p h S a l m i
P h o t o g r a p h y
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Any plugins or other security stuff blocking you?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Well if you were using IE at all the statement stands,
"For this site to display correctly please use IE7 or newer"
If your not using IE at all you don't need to worry about it. Besides I don't know why anyone would want to restrict users that use anything but IE. Also that would take a lot of scripting for something so useless.
J o s e p h S a l m i
P h o t o g r a p h y
Actually I am able to do that and that was my work around but the downside to that is "you" and everyone else are able to save the images also. I need to be the only one allowed to save the images.
J o s e p h S a l m i
P h o t o g r a p h y
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
You got that popup to save the file from the bottom right where it says "save file"?
If so then that is how I had the client save the file. However I don't want to leave it like that because other people can save the files too. What I was looking at doing was logging in as me then hover over the picture to get the owner save popup and just save the file, then email it to him. But because I don't have that option anymore I needed to uncheck the box in the customize gallery section and allow people (that are not logged in as me or admin) to save the file straight from the page.
J o s e p h S a l m i
P h o t o g r a p h y