...im not dying for a photo
Whats wrong with the weather ? Its winter for gods sake & we are still getting tropical summer storms.
This storm past over about 30 mins ago (they only last maybe 20 mins)....in between shots there were 2 that hit maybe a few hundred yards from me so i thought...hmmm ..take what you've got lad & see tomorrow.
I moved off the balcony & shot from inside after those last ones. I could feel the shock hitting my face.
These things were dropping out of the sky like rain drops !!! You should have heard the cracking noise....i actually had the hair on my neck stand up at one point.
This storm past over about 30 mins ago (they only last maybe 20 mins)....in between shots there were 2 that hit maybe a few hundred yards from me so i thought...hmmm ..take what you've got lad & see tomorrow.
I moved off the balcony & shot from inside after those last ones. I could feel the shock hitting my face.
These things were dropping out of the sky like rain drops !!! You should have heard the cracking noise....i actually had the hair on my neck stand up at one point.

(it might help if you hold the camera with rubber gloves
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Its rare that i move for lightning but this lot had me moving inside.
We're having crazy weather here to Gus, my fruit trees went back into blossom and have actually got fruit on them again, not many but yup I have apricots again......... I love Lightning shots, don't get to see much lightning down my way.......but your shots are really cool.......thanks for sharing.
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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Fantastic shots.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
supercharged set
My Galleries
if i'm not wrong, this is your first lightning set with the 20D? (or maybe I've been a bit absentee).
Uh, Gus...
what hair?
Nice shots. I love lightning. It scares me, but I love it.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Wicked shot, Gus. Amazing.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I was thinking that none of my lenses focus in the "dark", but I don't know about the wide.
I noticed that about infinity a long time ago. And I do what you do. It is never optimal. It is not something that I would want anyone scrutinizing, as in a challenge thread here, or something like that. In fact, most of them suck.
What do the rest of you do?
Andy, I am sure you buy lenses that focus in the dark, dark. Does the 1.8 50 canon do that? If it doesn't have sand in it, I mean.
Gus, that first shot is, as Andy would say, IMO, mint. YOu are so lucky. Storms, lightening, and a tripod. But especially the lightening and evening and view, etc.
I was thinking, can't you put your camera out "there" and make it work. The timer? I mean throw it out on the tripod, set the timer and go back to safety?
Hair really does rise, doesn't it? I thought that was just a SC thing.
ginger (thanks on the 10-22, good to see one that is not stellar with that lens........helps the lust factor):D
Holy cow!! If you could feel the hairs on your neck standing up, that lightning was way tooo close....
Super shots of a real hard subject
Thanks for posting this and yeah, we're having rain again too
JUst pointing out that the challenge, which I never do anything well in anymore:cry , ok, got that out of the way.
It is on weather!!!!!! weather report of today, whenever, as long as it was after noon Monday.
Gus, you have the shot for it!
Now, post your shots from yosemite:poke .
Here is todays headlines...(this is quite normal for summer but in winter
Funny bit is that our storms are very localised....where my wife works (3 miles as the crow flies) they had ice 2 feet deep & i saw none what-so-ever. I watched a 'super cell' build from 3pm & could not believe it would develope in winter....as they really need 90+f to get big.
They are extreamly violent & short lived.
Icy deluge lashes unsuspecting city
Paula Doneman, Chris Griffith and Mick Daly
HAILSTORMS ripped across Brisbane's western and northern suburbs last night, blocking roads, felling trees and bringing down powerlines.
The sudden storms caught the city by surprise after the weather bureau's radar failed.
More than 160 homes were damaged, 6400 were left without power, and some cars in peak-hour traffic were stranded in drifts of hailstones up to a metre deep.
As more than 150 lightning strikes hit Brisbane, the city's airport was closed for an hour, stranding 14 passenger jets.
The icy deluge created floods in inner-west suburbs, damaged the Fourex brewery at Milton and forced Toowong-based ABC TV to replace its 7pm news with a NSW bulletin after transmission equipment and offices were inundated.
Brisbane's traffic arteries including the Inner City Bypass, Coronation Drive, Gympie and Sandgate roads were blocked. Some motorists at Milton tried to shovel hail off the road.
The storm cut power to homes in Annerley, Coorparoo, East Brisbane, Norman Park, Holland Park West, Moorooka, Tarragindi, Chelmer, Graceville, Sunnybank and Sherwood. Power was restored to many just before 7pm.
The radar failure meant a warning was not issued until almost half an hour after the first hail strike.
There were no weather bureau warnings before the storms hit Darra about 5.30pm and Indooroopilly 15 minutes later.
At 5.50pm, as drivers battled peak-hour traffic in the deluge, the bureau website showed heavy storms but no hail warnings. It was 5.58pm before any warning appeared.
Bureau spokesman Bruce Gunn said radar equipment failed about 5pm and was not working until after 5.30pm. Warnings were issued as soon as forecasters were able to study the extent of the storms.
"It peaked during that period when our equipment was down," he said.
Mr Gunn said initial reports of storms did not indicate the extent of them. He said a hailstorm in late May was "very unseasonal".
Motorcyclist Carl Davis, 31, of Camira, expected bruises today from the hail.
"I left home and knew it was going to storm but I didn't know it was going to be this bad," he said. "I was stuck behind a truck trying to get shelter then I rode up underneath a bridge."
Fire crews worked to clear thick hail from roads, including Countess St and Caxton St, where residents helped rescue cars stuck in the ice. Pedestrians around Suncorp Stadium found the pea-sized hail was in drifts thick enough for them to make snow figures.
Shaun O'Connor of Milton used the storm to carve a footpath snow angel and fill his esky.
"We thought we'd come and put the beer on ice. It's never tasted better," he said."
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Main problem is that the main bolt goes from the ground up (not down as most think) up to 70% of the time & there is always lower voltage/amperage 'leaders' (the little ones you can see) that shoot up to guide the big one up/down. Most people that live only get the little ones...not many that get the 'momma' live as the heat is just too much to live through.
Thus dont think of your chances against 1 bolt but against maybe a dozen & with a bolt every few seconds then your odds really dive.
Date Taken:2005-05-18 17:46:00Date Digitized:2005-05-18 17:46:00Make:CanonModel: Canon EOS 20D Size: 3520x2346 Bytes: 7169958 Aperture: f/16.0 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 10mm (guess: 8mm in 35mm) Exposure Time: 30s (30/1)Flash:Flash did not fire, compulsory flash modeExposure Program:Aperture priority
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At least now i have a camera to show andy a Yowie when i see one
This show only lasted a few mins before the downforce wind hit & then there is rain going in every direction horizontal & you cant keep it off the lens/camera.
Thats a plane coming in to land on the left (the light streak)
I just cant replicate the noise...absolutely deafening !