I'd like to get one like this, but at a bit of an angle. You know, so that the back of the boat is in the lower left of the frame and the prow in the upper right. I've always thought a crew shot like that would be awesome. I mean with the bright colors and all
Anyhow, ya done good and thanks for sharing,
I took quite a few this day, from side on at water level to slight more side on from the bridge, some with 2 to 4 boats in the shot and also of Doubles and Quads. It was a fairly overcast day which didn't help.
I'd like to get one like this, but at a bit of an angle. You know, so that the back of the boat is in the lower left of the frame and the prow in the upper right. I've always thought a crew shot like that would be awesome. I mean with the bright colors and all
Anyhow, ya done good
I like the angle of your shot. In fact, if it were more perpendicular, that'd be
even better. And I prefer the top-to-bottom orientation to this one: