#17 possible? C&C

I've been seeing so much snow from everyone that I almost feel bad saying that our weather has been in the 70's and my horses think it is time to start shedding thier winter coat. Today after brushing I realized I had hair everywhere and masses of it stuck to the curry combs. :huh Hair - I need to photograph that! First try what do you think -re shoot possible

We are pretty warm here, too. Highs in the mid 50's and lows in the mid teens. Mine aren't shedding yet, knock on wood. I don't want my old Appaloosa, at 30, to start shedding the minimal winter coat he has.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
#2. Great idea - I nearly did something similar myself when I was grooming our dog for his closeup shots and saw the MOUND of hair on the table
#3 It just needs slightly more "pop" to my eye. Can you reshoot, using some sunglight to "lift" the colours and give it some more sparkle (maybe backlight those hairs on the edges of the combs, thus highlighting the texture contrasts more? The hair vs the metal is an interesting texture juxtaposition....)
Great start on this one
This is another I had from yesterday -
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
My horses are still pretty fuzzy, too. I was thinking along the same lines as you. Having the hair highlighted with the morning sun.
I like this last shot better. I think even a little closer would be a little more interesting IMHO. You have a great idea, just keep shooting until you get the shot that you think fulfills your vision. You are on the right track.
This is more on to something, I think, although the DOF fluctuations are distracting (razorsharp on the right, blurred out on the left) - presumably with that kind of light you can afford to stop down a bit and still handhold
I really like the idea, though. As leahe said, keep shooting - there's a great shot in this, and you just have to work through until you find it
That's better, maybe try the same idea but with the direct sunlight blocked and then back light the hair with off-camera flash. If you can get the blue sky again that'll make a lovely shot.
I can really feel the stretch on these challenges. My resolution was to participate in all just to learn and wow this one is teaching me! I bought inexpensive triggers off ebay about a month ago after reading a thread and this was the first time I really used them.
Trying different suggestions so here are new choices for 17- C&C!!
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
#1. Love the background (sky).
#3. Love the highlighted hair.
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams